The dawning realization

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((3rd person POV)

Finally, we hit the middle of March. It's a time of transition for much of the world, as students go on spring break, start preparing for end exams, and eagerly begin preparing for the warm incoming heatwave that was summer.

Discord, after having a sleepless night, gets onto a messaging app to see if her friends could all play together since she was going to have too much free time on her hands this week. 

Discord: Hey guys!! Who's hopping on today?

She watched as the sidebar lit up, her friends coming online to check the chat.

Kora: Hello Discord :) I'll be hopping on later today

Yeeter: Hey Discord! Kora! 

Meme: Sup. Yo Kora, what's with the emoji?

Kora: ??? Nothing

Meme: Mhm....

Kora: *-*

As they continued to talk amongst themselves, Discord saw her focus on her phone fade out as she focused on the thoughts running through her head. Why would Kora send an emoji? It was pretty out of character for him, and there's no way it could've been a typo...

She shrugged it off, figuring that Kora was just having a pretty upbeat day, and continued to scroll through her social medias to kill time whilst she awaited for the message to hop online their favorite game.

Meanwhile, Kora confides in a secret to their friend Meme, and threatens Meme to a match to the death in order to buy his silence. Discord couldn't find out. Not yet.

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