Moving in?

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                                                                      --still in the messaging app--

Kora : I think we should make an announcement to the others.

Discord: I agree. I think it will go well.

She switched over to the general channel to see a few others already conversating.

Meme: I hope Kora will be happy, not gonna lie. I think Discord is a good fit for him as a partner.

Discord switched to the announcements chat, and quickly typed out the message before she could talk herself out of it.

Discord: Hey guys! SO I know you all saw what happened in the General chat earlier... Just figured you might enjoy an update, me and Kora are dating now.

Notification after notification went off in the general chat.

Meme, V, and Yeet: Wooooo!! 

Discord: it that exciting?

Meme: Yes, we're happy for yall.

V: Okay now this is over, babe, friends, lets play rec room.

Yeet: Ehhh I don't really feel like playing right now. You guys can go on without me.

Discord turned off her phone and walked over to the living room, putting on her VR headset and loading into rec room, going to Kora's dorm to see the others.

"Guys, let's play Russian Roulette." Meme suggested

V gave him a slightly terrified expression. "R-russian roulette? I-isn't that game for s-suicidal people?" She asked as she hugged her boyfriend.

"No. It's a rec room game." Kora told her.

Meme was silent as he blushed furiously.

Discord noticed and tilted her head. "Are you okay Meme?" She asked

"Y-yeah." Meme nodded, taking a breath before uttering a sentence nobody in the room expected to hear.

"You know... Discord, you know that house that Kora has, right? the one he shared with his previous partners?" Meme asked. 

Ah yes, the same house that made Discord realize she would never be loved like that. "Yeah, I do, why?"

"Well I was thinking, since we can change our spawn points and everything, if you guys wanted to build a custom house and move in together. "

Everybody in the room looked over to him in surprise.

"Like an actual house? That we all spawn into?" V asked. "I mean it's a cute idea."

"I don't know.. Kora, how do you feel about it?" Discord asked, looking over at her boyfriend. 

"..I wouldn't mind it." Kora decided, looking at Meme. "But I'm not gonna be the only one building the house."

"Of course not!" Discord said. "You think I'm going to LET you make and design a house by yourself when it's literally one of my favorite things to do?? You're funny honey." Discord laughed.

"How long do you think it will take you guys?" V asked. 

"Depends" Kora answered as he crawled around the floor. "It could be done by tonight if we start building it now. Or it could be done by Friday if we build it in chunks."

"I vote we get started." Discord piped up, Kora nodding in agreement with her.

"Very well, let's get started." V smiled.

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