Chaotic Fun

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((3rd person still sorry its what I'm good at))

It was just a regular day in their favorite game, with Meme, Kora, and Discord hanging out in Discords dorm. Kora was going off about their friend Yeet again, while Meme admired himself in the mirror, posing for his own happiness, and Discord laid on her bed, watching her celestial mobile with an entranced look.

Meme groaned as he looked over the room, glancing at Kora and Discord. "I'm booorrreeddd, let's play russian roulette again."

Kora stared at him and gave a sigh. "Nooo we already played that this week. Lets just stay in the dorms." He suggested.

"Why stay here Kora? Is there a reason?~" Meme teased him.

"Hush." Kora commanded.

Discord then spoke up. "I don't know. I would enjoy playing some Isle of the Lost Skulls. What about you guys?" She asked as she hoped down from the top of her dorm. 

"Yeah! Lets do isle!" Meme agreed, just excited to be doing something.

"If you want, I suppose we can." Kora said reluctantly. He didn't exactly feel like doing a quest, as he did actually enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Discords room, but there would always be another time.

They party up and get to the lobby of Isle of the Lost Skulls, Meme just chatting while Discord sasses him and hits him with a plushy fish as they wait for the game to start.

Kora was quiet though, his thoughts much louder than the scene in front of him.

He had rushed through the first level of the quest with no sweat, having done it time after time again. While he waited for them to catch up, he thought about Discord and how much better her fighting has gotten, but she's still not good enough to be left without his protection. Really, he wished she would never get that good. Not because she didn't deserve it for her hard work, as she did push herself into doing good in anything she was interested in, but because he liked the excuse to be protective towards her.

"Kora?" Discord's voice suddenly ran through his head. He looked up to see both Kora and Meme staring at him.

"Yeah?" He asked, hoping his voice didn't break or sound too weird.

"Come step on the pad man!" Discord laughed gently, hitting the pad with her sword.

"Are you okay Kora? You've been acting kinda stange." Meme pointed out. 

"Meme!" Discord said as she hit him with her sword. "Kora plays with us all the time and carries us through most of it. He's probably just tired or away from his keyboard." she excused it.

"..Hm." Meme said, but of course, knowing what Discord didn't, he figured that wasn't the case. 

After smashing through countless undead skeletons, burning through swords and toy guns like college students down alcohol, and managing to traverse their way through a whole ass cave system, they made it out alive.

Although Meme knew Kora was really just doing quests for Discord's sake, he had an idea.

"Lets go play Laser Tag." Meme recommended to the group.

"I'm down. And Yeet is online, we could invite him so I could get my revenge for me killing him all the time." Kora laughed.

Upon the agreement of the full team, they loaded into Lasertag and invited Yeet in with them.

"I'm gonna join Kora's team, so maybe I won't get PTSD from the freaking bombs." Meme stated with a chuckle, knowing Kora would definitely demolish him otherwise.

"That's fine by me, but you'll still die." Discord snickered. "Nobody is safe from my shot gun."

"Ayyyyee Discord we got this!" Yeet exclaimed as they high fived.

They played normally for a while, fighting over the power weapon and gathering points, until they noticed that they were both missing a team mate.

Yeet was standing over the power weapon, waiting for it to spawn so he could kill Meme with it and win the game. 

"Hey Yeet~" Meme said as he appeared from around the corner.

"Wha-" Yeet started before he heard a revibrating "thump!" from down below him. Confused, he looked over the edge of the small round platform.

"What the fuck?" He said, quietly enough to be heard by Meme and not the other two. 

"What is it?" Meme asked, coming over to him and looking down with him.

Down in the hole, was Kora and Discord, except Kora had Discord pinned against the wall with her hands above her head. 

"If you're gonna hide from me, do it better~" Kora purred. He really didn't want to leave this spot, infact he really did enjoy the feeling of Discord pressed against him and completely helpless. But he couldn't stall for time forever. So he took his shotgun and killed her, gathering the points needed to end the game.

They are all sent back to the lobby, and Meme and Discord both share a look, wondering if they should touch what just happened, or ignore it for another day.

"So! We have a full team. Who's down for Jumbo?" Discord asked cheerily.

...they supposed another day would have to do.

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