──── 01. cute boy

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Girl placed her violin inside its own case with care, zipping it as she propped the instrument over her shoulder. She then crouched down to pick up her bag that settled on the floor for the most part of the day. The bag had been worn out and had a few straps hanging on to the bag for their dear life. She noted that she needed to buy a new bag once she gets money from somewhere.

Letting out a small sigh, the girl closed the room's door and started walking away to go to her uncle's restaurant that was not too far off.

Natasha was playing with her fingers, peeling off the dead skin that still remained attached on her calloused finger for playing the violin for such a long time. She had encountered a male with black and yellow-ish streaks in the past that had calloused fingers from playing the guitar for too long. She thought it was natural and not painful for them and it wouldn't be the same if she had played violin. And oh, how she regrets it. 

The female sighed again, "Huh.. I want to eat uncle Kojiro's italian food."

Natasha thought to herself, her stomach grumbling and mouth watering just at the thought of her uncle's heavenly and absolutely scrumptious Italian food that left an amazing after taste that made you earning for more.

"Hey, 'Sha!" Someone shouted from a far, calling the purple-haired girl attention who was about to wear her earphones. Natasha glances at her back to see who it was and she was greeted by the running figure from none other than his pianist friend, Devan. "Wait for me!"

"Mmm.. You're late." She said deadpanned, trying to make the boy guilty for his tardiness. The blunette only cracked a smile of awkwardness. He had a very awful habit of being late and Natasha never questioned it at times. He finally walked beside the girl.

"Sorry. The teacher didn't let us go out of the room without finishing what she had assigned us." Devan said, giving the girl in front of him a soft smile. Natasha nodded her head and both of them started walking through the empty corridors.

"The older one? I thought she went somewhere and called in a sub?" Devan shook his head no, looking at his friend with confusion written all over him.

"What are you talking about? Maybe that's the other class with the new teacher. Not going to lie, that teacher seems to be kinder than the one we have." Natasha pressed her lips into a thin line, looking back to where she was headed to.

"Are you going to your uncle's restaurant again?" The male asked, breaking the comfortable silence that engulfed them. And here she thought she can listen to the sounds that their footsteps made.

"Yup! Are you coming with me?" Natasha asked back, as she started walking backwards. It became her habit to walk like that whenever she is with someone.

Devan watches as she walks like that, looking in the front and back to her figure again just so he could pull Natasha towards him if ever she'll going to bump with someone.

"I would love to, but no. My aunt from Europe is going to visit us."

The two started talking with each other, laughing here and there as one of them would crack up a joke. Devan, as the gentleman he is, insisted to accompany Natasha to his uncle's restaurant. The female declined it at first, but Devan was really persistent that Natasha just gave in.

⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊ - ❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱

"Ciao, mio adorabile zio." Natasha spoke Italian fluently. Her uncle, who was already used to her greetings just let out a small sigh and nodded his head as an act of acknowledgement for her presence. 

"Ciao... What..?" Reki and Langa whispered to themselves, they couldn't understand the words that left her mouth. They stared at her like she was an alien from another planet. 

Natasha accidentally glance at her side, only to see Kaoru, who's visiting the restaurant frequently, and three males. Her eyes widened after seeing the familiar face of the black-haired male.

"Oh." She let out a small gasp, her index finger automatically pointing at the cat boy.

"Chinen?" Natasha muttered under her breathe, catching the attention of Miya. The male glance back at her, slightly raising his eyebrows as he tried to remember where he saw this familiar face.

"Ah, she's the girl who always beats me at math." Miya thought to himself, looking at her.

"You know him, Natasha?" Joe asked, focusing on the food that he was experimenting. The purple head nodded her head.

"Yeah, he's in my class." She answered, walking towards the empty chairs as she placed her violin on it. She then sat on the chair beside it and watched her uncle. A small smirk formed Joe's lips as he remembered that one time Natasha accidentally spilled something about that boy.

"Oh, is he the one you're talking about? That cute black-haired boy in your class—" He tried to imitate Natasha's voice, yet he didn't get to finish his sentence when the girl laughed to cover up what he said.

"AHA! Why don't you serve their food already and I'll take charge of what you're cooking right now, hmm?" She exclaimed, pushing her uncle towards the customers as she went to where the stove was. The green-haired man let out a chuckle and nodded his head.

"Cute boy, huh?" Reki whispered to Miya, nudging his side. The black-haired male's cheeks were tinted pink by Joe, who said Natasha's thoughts out loud.

"Oh, right. Natasha, don't you dare try that food, it has- Natasha?!" Joe accidentally raised his voice, making the others flinch by his shout. The male, who caught Natasha trying the food, automatically went to the girl's side.

"Spit it out!" Joe demanded.

"What?! No! That's just straight up gross!" Natasha shouted back, the food was still inside her mouth.

"That has onions in it!"


✓ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏 ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now