──── 10. famous violinist

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music room with his male friend beside him, the black-haired male wandered his eyes around the huge room that he even forgot that he had someone with him.

"So, why did you decided to watch me practice?" His newly fond friend asked, closing the door behind them.

The memories rushed back to him with sudden force. Miya watching someone play the piano while their mentor would talk with one of the people who played the guitar, the sound of the strings of the violin playing a very beautiful tone, the sound of harmony playing when instruments that complimented each other well played together.

"Nothing. Just remembered something back from middle school." Miya mumbled, looking at the instruments that were sitting there, waiting for them to be picked up by someone. He can easily tell one was from Park-- the close friend of the person that mentored the people who wanted to learn the piano-- because of the small indent on the end of the body of the guitar.

His gaze fell on the guitar that was leaning against the wall, the light shining on it as if Miya was the chosen one.

"Hey, uh- can I borrow that guitar?" The boy asked, pointing at the color brown guitar. The other male glance at him, a shocked expression evident on his baby face.

"Woah- never knew you play the guitar!" He exclaimed, picking up the instrument with care and gave it to Miya who had also did the same.

"Nah, Someone just taught me how to." Miya pulled the nearest chair, lifting it up to his spot so he won't leave a mark on the polished wood. He sat on it, tuning the guitar when he had positioned it like how he was taught.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to see if he still remembers the rhythm that she taught.

"It goes like this," As he flutters his eyes open, his fingers went its way to their specific strings, while his other thumb and index finger were holding the black-colored pick. The pick brushed through the strings, and the black-haired male started strumming, creating a very nice yet underrated rhythm. His friend, who's watching him play, stared at him in awe.

"Is that an underrated song? I've never heard of it before!" His friend asked, clearly curious about the title of the song that he had played. It seemed sad, but he could feel some hint of happiness into it. It was like watching one of your closest friends achieve their dreams while you wait for them, sad but happy that they made it.

Miya shook his head, and stopped from strumming.

"No. It's our project for Music. She made this rhythm on her own." He proudly boasted, well, who wouldn't?

"She? Awee! You have a girlfriend?!" His energetic best friend asked again, batting his eyelashes as he waited for Miya's answer.

"No. She's actually my best friend." The male whispered, yet his friend still heard it.

"Oh. Where is she now?" He randomly asked. He never saw Miya be closed to any girls here in their school, so the girl might be in a different school. Miya raised his head and glance at him, giving him a sad smile that made the male's eyes widened.

"Oh- wait, is she-? I'm sorry-" He didn't get to finish his sentence when Miya waved both of his hands in the air, stopping his friend from whatever he was going to say.

"N-no! It's nothing like that! She's just," He paused, looking at his shoes.

"in a different place quite far from here." Miya muttered the last sentence.

"You miss her, don't you?"


"Why don't you visit her sometimes? Our summer break is in less than a month!" His friend exclaimed, leaning against the wall.

"Tokyo is a big place. And she didn't tell me her address." He muttered while his chin is resting on his palm.

"Then text her! You have her number, right?"

"Nope." Miya answered.

"What?! Damn."

"We always see each other, so why bother exchanging numbers? But I forgot to ask her number when she was about to leave." Miya facepalmed, he feels so stupid for forgetting such thing as just asking for Natasha's number.

"Well, you still remember her full name? Try searching it on social media! Here, let me help you..." The other male said, taking out his phone from his pockets and unlocked it.

"What is her name?"

"Natasha Nanjo." Miya told him.

"Natasha Nanjo?! She's your best friend?!" He shouted, clearly shocked after knowing that this black-haired male beside him has a famous friend.


"What do you mean 'Why?'! Don't you know she's a famous Violinist?!" The male shouted again, making Miya squint his eyes as he tried to cover his ears.

"Famous.. Huh." He thought to himself, before grabbing his friend's phone.

"Don't bother. She's too busy practicing to give a damn about this."

"Eh?! But, I thought you wanted to see her!" The male asked as he followed Miya who's walking towards the door.

As the black-haired male's hand were wrapped around the doorknob, he slightly tilted his head to the side and looked at his friend.

"She's a famous Violinist, I'm a famous skateboarder. Both of us have our own busy lives."

As the teen went out of the music room, he was greeted by the sunset. A sad smile appeared on his face as he watched the scenery.

"Natasha, the sunset is beautiful, aren't they?"

No matter what, the sun has
to go to the other side.

No matter how much you
risk to make them stop, they
have to go and do their part.

But heck,

He didn't really expected to fall for
The Violinist.

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