──── 06. story time

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THE male read through the lyrics that she had already made, raising his eyebrows with an impressed look on his face.

"Oy Natasha, can you watch over the food that I'm cooking?!" Joe shouted from the kitchen, placing the cooked food on the plates that was ready to be served on the silver trays. They had a few scratches on them which was something Natasha constantly took notice whenever she would visit her uncle.

"Okay." The girl complied and went to the kitchen.

"What's that?" Reki asked the black-haired male in front of him, peeking through the notebook with the lyrics. The hand writing was often unreadable with tiny drawings on the tips of each page. Miya squinted his eyes, pulling the notebook closer to his eyes then back to the normal distance. 

"Project." Miya muttered as he finished reading the block of lyrics that she made. The male was about to look at his side to tell her how good the lyrics she made, only to be greeted by Reki with a cheeky dumb smile.

"Right. She's watching over the food."

Seeing that there was a pen beside him, he grabbed it and started writing on Natasha's notes. Miya decided to write some lines that he thought of when he read through the paragraph that the girl wrote.

"Ya' know, I'm still curious about Natasha." Reki muttered. Langa, who was beside him agreed to what the male had said. 

"Curious, eh?" Joe said as he went to their table. The two nodded their heads as they glance at the green-haired man.

"Natasha has always been a talented girl. Well, it did started when she saw her cousin playing the piano." He said, folding his arms together. The teen boys, even Miya, automatically pay attention to the man in front of them. Quite curious of Natasha's past.

"So, she looked up to her cousin?  But didn't she play the violin?" Reki asked.

"Yeah. 'Sha wanted to play the violin with her cousin. But they aren't really close."

"Due to that, she rarely sleeps. Natasha always practices different types of instruments. I guess you can tell it is her stress reliever. I'm sometimes worried for her, she never gets any good sleeps." Joe let out a small sigh, clearly stressed by the girl's habit of not taking enough sleeps.

"Oh.. You mentioned a day ago that Natasha had a beef against ADAM. Did you teach her how to skateboard?" Reki was the only one who's throwing questions. While the other two just listened carefully.

"Hmm, yeah. At first, she wanted to be a figure skater. But her mother opposed. She wanted Natasha to focus on playing the violin and studies instead."

"But I, of course, a very kind uncle, had decided to teach his precious little niece to ride a skateboard." He boasted, earning a weird look by the three. Joe let out an awkward cough before resuming.

"Well, I just can't stand the sad look on her face. Natasha is really known to be a cheerful child."

"UNCLE! THE FOOD IS READY! GET YOUR ASS HERE." Natasha shouted as the man was about to open his mouth to speak. Joe let out a small chuckle as he turned his back at the three teens.

"Well then, story time is over." he waved them a good bye. And that is when Natasha went out of the kitchen. The purple-haired girl immediately went to her friends table, her eyes furrowed after not seeing her other friend.

"Where's Devan?" She asked and sat beside Miya, who was still holding her notebook in his hand.

"He left just a while ago." Langa finally opened his mouth to answer Natasha's question. The female nodded her head and quickly glance at the black-haired male beside her.

"Right, Miya! I need to show you something." She took the boy's hand and stood up, pulling Miya. But after realizing something, Natasha stopped from walking and glance at the other two, giving them a smile.

"Just gonna borrow your friend for a bit!" She said, earning a thumbs up by Reki.

"Sure sure~ take your time!" She nodded her head and started pulling Miya with her.

"Where are we going?" Miya asked the girl who had her hand wrapped around his wrist. Natasha glance at him and flashed a huge grin which made the black-haired male flustered.

"Just like I said, I'm going to show you something!"

✓ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏 ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now