──── 04. sleeping

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THE door was heard as she was ready to start playing the violin. Wonpil had paused on teaching Devan a new musical piece and looked at the door, expecting someone to enter. Natasha let out a whistle from her slightly parted lips as she stood up, she set her violin and bow on top of the seat, placing them carefully on top as to now fall.

"I'll get it. It might be one of my classmate." the girl exclaimed, the other male nodded his head and went back to practicing. The lavender-color haired girl went towards the door as she slightly opened it, taking a peek to see who it was.

Devan nodded and looked at his mentor Wonpil to continue to guide him with the unfamiliar musical piece.

There you saw your classmate, waiting impatiently with his eyebrows knitted together to wait for Natasha to get out of class. He had his arms crossed over his chest, restlessly tapping his foot on the ground as if it would solve all of his problems.

"Where is she?" Miya muttered. Natasha opened the door widely to see the male's whole figure who had quickly jittered his poor posture into a more professional one.

"You came!" She hollered with excitement, lightly jumping up and down when she saw the flustered state of Miya. She had her hand still on the doorknob when she moved to the side to make view of Devan taking a short peek at who was at the door and lightly getting smacked with a piece of paper Wonpil had, asking him to focus before giggling and waving at Miya.

Despite the very obvious sight of Devan with his mentor, Miya's eyes never left Natasha who had smiled even brighter when she had noticed him staring. For such a reckless girl that some may find as annoying, it never failed to make Miya flustered.

"Uh.. Yeah." The ravenette muttered. He go caught. He places his hand behind his nape, rubbing it and avoiding the gaze that the girl had on him. She begged that she would just stop staring for his face was already being tinted pink.

"What took you so long, though?" Natasha asked, tilting her head to the side and waited eagerly for Miya's excuse.

"Some teacher called for me. Nothing important." He answered, a little bit harsh to be exact. Natasha just shrugged her shoulders. She then took her steps towards Miya, their faces close to each other as the girl stared at the male with her big, round sapphire-like eyes.

"When are we going to do our project?" He only shrugged, standing away from Natasha and shrugging. He slurred,

"I don't know."

⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊ - ❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱

Wonpil had left the school because of some matter that he needed to attend to regarding new students transferring, leaving Devan and Natasha all alone to be in their own encased bubble that not even God himself could pop no matter what Titan or what ghost.

But Natasha decided to do something other than practicing new songs. While she was staring at the wall, a perfect line popped out of her head, causing her to jolt from the seat and quickly took out her notebook out of the bag. She then wrote the lines that her brain had created, a small smile appeared on her face.

Scribbling here and there were heard inside the room. Devan took a break from the piano, his eyes closed as his lips let out a sigh of exhaustion when he had cracked his knuckles. It was just pressing keys, how can he be exhausted from pressing keys?!

This week became busy for him since he had an upcoming piano competition next month. He needed to practice other songs to secure a proper win against some of his seniors who had played the musical pieces almost effortlessly. The sounds of the writing pen had stop, yet Devan didn't bother to open his eyes, thinking that his friend, Natasha took a rest or she was thinking about something.

The deafening silence uncirculated the whole room as the two didn't utter a word. The blue-haired male slightly opened his left eye to see what Natasha was doing. He saw his best friend, resting her head on top of the table, her eyes are closed and finally, soft snores were heard, Devan now knew that Natasha is sleeping.

She always does, to be honest.

The older male stood up from his seat and went towards the purple-haired girl, he took the chair that was not quite far from his reach and placed it in front of the sleeping girl.

Devan then also rested his head and was now staring at the milk like polish skin of Natasha. His lips formed into a small smile as his fingers went its way to Natasha's face, brushing off the pieces of hair that were scattered on her face. He tucked them behind her ears and retreated his hand, placing it back below his head, using it as a pillow.

"You left them?" Someone said after the two had fell asleep.

"They still have classes, right?" Devan's mentor sighed.

"Come on, even you knew I wouldn't take that long!" He opened the door and saw Natasha sleeping on a chair and Devan on the ground, his hair a mess and his mouth wide open.

"Wonpil, I'm a student here and even—" Devan's mentor shushed the other male.

"Shut up, Park." He whispered before pointing at the sleeping kids.

"Look at them." He bit the bottom of his lip to suppress a squeal that was coming way, hitting the taller one in the arm instead.

"Get the camera."

"You read my mind."

✓ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏 ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now