──── 09. promise

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are planning to finish their project from the very start, had failed miserably. The entire purpose why Natasha had came to his place was to finish the project that were assigned to them. They were enthusiastic at first. 

Natasha suggested that they make the song have a sadder ring to it that contrasts with the lyrics she wrote that had double meaning and Miya had agreed to the idea with open arms.

The reason he had agreed so easily was because he saw one of the mentors play a song that they made which had a very sad theme to it but had lyrics that stated happiness. The mix of sadness and happiness within the song fascinated him which why he had agreed to it easily.   

They lied on the bed, taking up very different spots of the bed. Natasha was laying on her stomach on her phone, playing a game that got her addicted ever since she first installed it. She continued to play for hours when she first got it, causing her to have dark bags under her eyes. If it wasn't for her uncle catching her one night and threatening to tell her mother, she wouldn't have never stopped. 

Miya on the other hand was leaning against the bedframe with his Nintendo switch was in his grasp, the background music of the game playing loudly. None of them were talking, only focused on their respective games. As if on cue, as Natasha beats her opponent, a certain sentence appeared inside her mind that really matched the theme of the lyrics that both her and Miya thought of earlier.

"Holy shit," Natasha whispered, repeating the sentence on her mind so that she won't forget it. Yet her whisper were loud enough for the black-haired male to hear repeat the words like an outclassed record.

The boy looked at his side, watching Natasha with knitted brows as she stumbled out of the bed quickly, walking over to his study table that had all the lyrics neatly placed on top of the table.

Natasha took the black inked pen that was nearly going to fall on the very edge of the table and took a piece of paper, beginning to write what was going on in her mind. She scribbled on the paper, hardly pressing the tip of the inked pen on the paper that was staining even the table. Miya pushed his head up to look at where the sound of loud scribbling and lightly banging of the table, pausing his game in the process. 

"How come you come up with lyrics so randomly?" Miya asked the girl that was finally done writing, his eyes following Natasha that was approaching the bed once more.

"I dunno. It's like the same with writing a story, I guess. You just come up with a new set of plot or scenes just by staring at something or someone." She shrugged, letting herself fall backwards on the soft sheets of the bed.

"Eh? You an author or something?" He asked, quite curious as she had compared the making of lyrics to making a story.

"Maybe. I may or may not published 2 books already, who knows?" Natasha joked, her voice coated with nothing but earnesty. The emerald green eyes of Miya's eyes widened, leaning his body a bit closer to Natasha in interest. 

"You- did?!" He slightly raised his voice as he was caught off-guard.

"I'm kidding! But my mother is a writer." She told him, touching the lunar eclipse necklace that she wore for almost everyday. And maybe even wearing it while showering which is evident with the rust that was slowly forming on the metal chain.

No one knows...

Miya's ears perked up upon hearing the word "mother" from her mouth. The girl never opened up with Miya. So this is the first time hearing something about Natasha's family.

Natasha let out an awkward cough as she glance at the ravenette.

"So, what school are you going to after we graduated from Middle School?" Natasha asked, changing the topic rather quickly to avoid any information about her family heritage.

Miya caught up quickly, thinking that the purple-haired girl is quite uncomfortable about the last topic that they had that had lasted shorter than he had expected it to be.

"I actually haven't thought of that yet. Besides, we still have another year in Middle School." Miya answered, pouting his lips at the thought of going to high school. He had eavesdropped on his older cousins stressing about the many projects that were assigned to them that made the hairs on his arm stand up. 

"What about you?" He asked back.

"I'm staying with my mother again. Back in Tokyo." The girl swore that she saw Miya frown, but he quickly masked it out with a blank face. Natasha just shrugged the thoughts off.

"Eh? That sucks." Miya muttered under his breathe. He's finally fond of Natasha and was glad to have another friend that he can lean on, but now knowing that she'll soon leave, it made him upset.

"I'll still visit though, no need to worry!" The cheery girl exclaimed with a wide grin.

"H-huh?! I-I'm not worried at all!" Natasha saw through his lies, yet she just didn't question it and just let out a small giggle.

"You should visit me there too sometimes! I bet mother would love to see a good friend of mine!"

"Sure.. I guess, if I'm not busy." He replied in a low voice, taking off his gaze from her.


"Mm.. Promise."

✓ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏 ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now