──── 08. fixing

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I ended up with this situation?" Miya thought to himself as the girl in front of him started combing his black hair, a thin wristband was wrapped around Natasha's right wrist while she focused on tying the almost untamable hair of the boy.

Natasha noticed that whenever she would separate the other's hair, Miya would be in pain and slap her hand lightly. Damn, is he not prone to this pain? She used her slender fingers to part the hairs that were clumped together.

"Do you even comb your hair? What a waste, your hair looks pretty healthy compared to the rest." Natasha mumbled, sliding her fingers through his scalp and slightly massaging it from time to time to ease the pain from the comb that was pulling countless strands of hair.

"Of course I do! I rode my skateboard all the way here, that's why my hair got tangled up." Miya replied, letting out a huff as he raised his head a bit to look at the purple-haired girl's face.

Natasha scoffed, intentionally pulling his hair. She could believe less of what he said. Devan has made better tardy excuses compared to him. Miya slapped her hand again, wanting her to stop from the pulling of his hair.

"Ah, ah! Cut it out will you?" Miya warned her, trying to hit her again but failed when Natasha moved away, still holding his hair up.


"Sheesh, I'm not doing it intentionally. Your hair is much more worse than Joe's! And he uses gel almost every time!" For the years she has spent being with her uncle and annoying her, she has always hated the fact that Joe's hair was hard as stone. She gets that he would usually do this so no hairs land on the food, but why can't he just use a hairnet for once?

As she continues to part and fix the hair, she would visibly show discomfort and disgust with the oily hair Miya had.

"Do you even shower? You hair is so oily! Even if Devan doesn't take a bath, he has hair like Rapunzel." Natasha comments, pulling on his hair lightly again. At the mention of the name, Miya groaned.

It came out for Natasha as a groan from complaining, but to him it was about Devan. She would always mention Devan at the most random times. Devan this, Devan that, it annoyed the shit out of him.

The fact that they were alone, just the two of them and she mentions the boy that plays the piano made Miya want to throw a fit. He wanted to open his mouth to complain about Devan, but Natasha pulled on his hair again.

"I swear, you're just doing this intentionally 'cause you dislike me."

"Hell no. Then you tie this mess of a hair then. I'm the one who'll complain." She lolls her eyes back, slapping the side of his head before continuing again. Despite the pain of her pulling his hair, Miya quite enjoyed her touching his hair. Sure he wanted to throw a fit, but it was nice that they were doing something other than bickering.

Miya felt one final pull before Natasha ties his hair up, making it look like a little sprout. Miya was about to touch his hair again, but she slapped his hand.

Natasha went in front of Miya to see the final product and to say the least, she liked it. The girl let out a small squeal on how cute the guy is in front of him. Throwing her arms at him as Natasha gave him a tight hug.

"Wah! You're adorable!" Natasha exclaimed as she let go of the hug, squishing the male's cheeks in the process.

Miya, who just let the girl do whatever she wants, glances at her neck. Seeing a pendant necklace was wrapped around her neck. He slowly brought his hand and took hold of the Lunar Eclipse necklace, admiring it while Natasha was squealing with joy on how cute the male in front of her is.

Yeah, Natasha often does this with Devan's hair, but he isn't adorable. You can say he's pretty when his hair is in a ponytail, but nothing compares to Devan whose face looked like an apple when he had his hair up.

The purple-haired female's hands were still resting on both of Miya's cheeks, letting out small giggles from time to time as she admired the face of her newly-found friend.

Before Miya could even ask where she bought the lovely pendant, a knock on the wooden door was heard, followed by the creaking noises of the door as it was opened by none other than Natasha's uncle, Joe.

"Oi, Natasha. Help me with the customers." Joe said, looking at the two teens. The green-haired male stifle a laugh upon seeing Miya's face.

" 'Sha, don't tell me you harassed Miya's hair." He bit the bottom of his lip, attempting to stifle his laugh. Miya looked adorable, but at the same time he looked stupid. Miya felt the heat rushing to the tips of his ears and cheeks, looking at Joe with a deadly stare. 

Natasha crossed her arms, already walking to the door.

 "And so what if I did?"

✓ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏 ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now