9. Nothing Works There

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Hungary pov.

"Gooooooood Morning!" I shouted through our room, holding a food tray with our breakfast.

Czechia and Slovakia simultaneously groaned in pain while being still in their beds. As a response Czechia, who was lying like a ball under her blanket, sticked her hand out and flipped her middle finger at me.

No wonder that they are pissed. It's 5 am and both of them have a slight hangover.

I put the food tray on the table and only took my sandwich. I walked past the beds and opened the door to the bathroom.

Our bathroom was small. It had only a shower, sink and toilet. Next to the toilet, inside a bundle of blankets and pillow sat a sick looking Poland.

He definitely drank too much in a short time, so his body had to reject the alcohol. Thankfully he could hold himself until we arrived in our bathroom, where he also stayed over the night.

Of course I could have put him on his bed, but his bed was above mine and I won't do the same mistake twice.

Leaning against the door frame I took a bite from my sandwich and greeted him, "Good morning sleeping beauty."

Poland frowned and tried to bury himself deeper under the blanket.

"You know you can't hide from me," I explained, "And we have work today. Remember the window with the scratch?"

In a low hoarse voice he answered, "Go away."

I straightened myself and said, "Alright, but we still have work today."

Back in the main room I saw Slovakia already sitting on her chair, but leaning her head against the table. Czechia was still inside her blanket ball.

While passing by I pulled her blanket which caused her nearly falling out of her bed. She quickly grabbed on the edge, but nonetheless she accidentally let go and landed on the floor.

"I hate you." Growled Czechia to me while holding her head in pain. Not turning around I respond jokingly, "I hate you too." I sat next to Slovakia and gave her a glass from the tray.

I asked the kitchen if they could make three Prairie Oyster. It's good against a hangover. It doesn't cure, but it lessen the symptoms except of course the headache. At least the person feels awake. Inside the glass was a egg yolk, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, hot sauce and a little bit of salt and pepper. Slovakia immediately gulped the content down.

Czechia finally went to the table and sat down on her chair. She angrily glared at me while taking her glass and breakfast. Ah yes, a Czechia with a headache is a moody Czechia.

I took Poland's breakfast and went back to the bathroom. Arriving there I saw that he changed his position. Instead sitting against the corner, he now sat in front of the toilet. He wrapped himself with his blanket like a cocoon and his head was above the toilet seat. The nausea came back, which his following actions confirmed. Well more likely the sound confirmed it because there was nothing inside his stomach to vomit it out.

I placed his breakfast and glass on the tile floor next to him. Poland prayed, his head still inside the toilet, "Please God it's me again, make me feel better and I won't ever drink again."

"Oof lying to the God. Isn't that the 17th time you said that?" I joked, but Poland's following reaction was only a gag.

Okay jokes by side it was problematic. With his state he wasn't able to work. Now was 5:15 so it's been only five hours since his last drink and by his behavior yesterday he had definitely more than 2 Promille of alcohol. He was still intoxicated and it won't be a good idea to let him work. Maybe I could ask Czechia to be his replacement.

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