12. Looking At The Crime Scene

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"Any previous illnesses?"


"Any antibiotics or other drugs taken?"



"What the hell?! Of course not!" USA shouted annoyed.

He sat on a chair between the two beds inside the infirmary. Portugal prepared a small equipment made out of two tubes, a modified metal funnel and syringes being connected to each tube end. Hungary didn't move from his spot. He still sat next to Poland, holding his hand in hope to get any reaction or movement from the pole. Czechia was sitting like a ball with her knees close to her chest on the other bed. She didn't made a sound and most of the time she just blankly looks in the air.

The doctor stepped closer to USA with his self made equipment,"Alright. Would you please roll up your sleeve."

USA hesitate for a second, but he did as told and Portugal tied a string on his upper arm. The same he did on Poland's arm. Quickly the doctor inserted the needle on USA's fore arm and the first blood drops ran down the tube.

"Stay like this for half an hour. If you feel tired or seeing dark clouds around your view, then please inform me." Portugal informed him while inserting the second syringe to Poland's arm and untied his string.

The man said in a surprising calm way, "No problem doc. But could I ask what happened with him?"

The doctor looked at Hungary and me. After letting a heavy sigh Hungary answered tired, "He got shot in the engine room."

USA looked surprised and asked, "By who?" His question came out of nowhere. I'm not sure how much information he is allowed to get. He could be the murderer, but if he was then it wouldn't make sense for him to help the witness.

The murderer would've want Poland to be dead.

For now it's safe to answer his question,"We don't know yet. The killer was gone before we found him. If it's not a problem, could I ask you where you were half an hour before the emergency meeting?"

The man scratched on his chin with his free hand before answering," I was in my room with my mother. We talked about some family stuff."

"Did something unusual happened?" I asked him.

USA looked confused at me, "What you mean with "unusual" ?"

"Didn't the power went out in your cabin?" I asked and saw how he shook his head more confused than before.

That's when Hungary decided to join our interrogation,"His cabin is probably on the fifth floor. The power only went out on the lower half of the ship."

"I see." I mumbled and faced USA once again, "Do you cary any weapons with you?"

He looked at me a little bit suspicious, but he answered, "I do. I have a 45 magnum Western revolver and two Ar-10 LMG rifles for my client in my luggage, but I don't transport any ammunition with me. So the weapons are harmless."

Riiiight. Since when weapons were ever harmless? Nonetheless I didn't decide to comment on that. It's better to not get distracted, "Where do you store them?"

"Like any other big luggage in the store room of this ship. They don't allow me to have it in my room. Which is stupid because it's useless without bullets." He complained and unintentionally scratched on his arm where the syringe is, but still kept eye contact with me.

"When the blood donating finished, could you show me the weapons?" I gave him the question and he answered, "Of course. If that's gonna help you with this case."

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