24. It's A Trap

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Portugal looked at me with a questioning expression.

"Can I talk with Poland privately?" I asked the doctor which made him even more confused. He traveled his eyes to Poland. The pole lay on his bed. I could see how tensed he is.

Portugal looked back at me and said slightly hesitant, "Uhhh sure. I'll wait outside until you finished."

Without saying any more words he left the infirmary. I looked at Hungary, but he sat there stubbornly and answered to my questioning look, "I stay. What do you have to tell him?"

Poland was visibly nervous, but nonetheless he tried to hold his neutral face with his guard up.

I took a deep breath before asking him, "I need you to unlock a door for me-"

Unexpectedly Hungary interrupted me, "OH no! He will definitely not break into any more rooms!"

"Hungary please you have to understand-"

He interrupted me again, "There is no need to understand anything. He won't do it!"

I looked at Poland. He didn't move and he didn't even dare to made a sound, while Hungary was unnecessary switched on protective mode.

It's clear that he won't allow Poland to help me out and that annoyes me. I want to finally make progress, to finally be sure where my book is and who the observer is. Of course I can't forget about China's murder. His murder is like the cherry on top of this mess.

A solution popped up inside head, but I surely won't gain any friends by doing it, but it has to be done, or else we will never survive on this ship.

I sternly face them and spoke, "Okay I won't pressure you anymore, but you gotta understand that there will be consequences for Poland."

As I finished my sentence I already could see how Poland looked at me suspicious. "What consequences?" He snarled at me, probably already guessing what I'm about to say next.

"For breaking into the captains office and into the privat cabin of a detective, resulting stealing that causes disturbances during a crime investigation. Those are the consequences you will face on the land, if you don't decide to help me."

Hungary was too shocked to say something. He was sitting on the bed with wide open eyes and mouth. Meanwhile Poland's reaction was less shocking, but more hostile. The Pole's face darkened and he glared at me with cold eyes, but he stayed silent.

The tension between us thickens. No one dared to say anything. Hungary stare at me as if I completely loose my mind. Poland's eyes were narrowed, his brow furrowed and I could see how tensed his hands gripped on the bedsheet. There is no need for a professional nonverbal reader to say that he stare at me with hatred.

Hungary was the first one who broke the silence with his stammer, "Germany you.. you're joking with us, right?"

I didn't say a word and kept my eyes on Poland who also didn't dare to look away. He knew that with his criminal records the judge would give him more years in prison, if not even life long depending how his whole record looks.

"You're not any better than them." Poland scoffed under his breath before he spoke to me with a louder voice, "If I do what you say, then you will not rat me out to the authorities."

"That's correct." I said blankly.

Poland took a deep breath and carefully climbed out of the bed. "I'll do it, but only if it's the last time. Do you understand that?" He asked me while holding his arm on his stomach.

"I promise that it will be the last time."

With that Poland stood up, using the bedframe to support himself.

The Swimming Death Trap [A CH Murder Mystery] Where stories live. Discover now