32. Is It Worth it?

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Hi! Sorry for taking it so long to post. I barely had time this week because Monday a family member of mine got pulled over by the police in the early morning. Usually it should not be too troublesome, if he wasn't driving with 0,4% alc level.

He had his "morning drinks" because he can't stay calm throughout the day without it and usually there aren't any police controlls at this area.

Except this Monday.

In Poland you're not allowed to be under influence of alcohol and he lost his driving license for the next six months. And because we're family and I'm obligated to help family members, even though I barely can help myself. So now I'm his taxi driver until he gets his license back.

Be that an example of never drink before driving. I don't give a crap if it's a glass of Stroh 40% or watered down beer 2%. Don't drink and drive. I should be thankful that he didn't killed or hurt anyone yet.

So now back to the story. As an apology for the long wait this chapter is longer than usual.

Germany pov.

Trying to convince Poland was like talking to a brick wall. I just wasted my time with this idiot.

"So what now?" Austria asked me. He gave me a worried look while I was staring at nothing with an angry frown on my face.

I could go to Russia and start the interrogation without any preparations, but it would be a waste of time. Maybe I could find information from elsewhere. The option to go and search in Russia's room seems to me the most logical one.

Austria still stood there patiently waiting for my answer. "We will search in Russia's cabin. Maybe there we will find any useful information."

"Is it worth it?" Austria asked, "What is the point on getting more information about the gang. After all we destroyed their plan and there we all are witnesses of Russia trying to murder us."

"Those are verbal evidence. They aren't always reliable. When she'll be in court I need to represent physical evidence." I pulled out the walkie-talkie from my coat and showed it to him. "The more I collect the faster she will be sentenced guilty. Last thing I want is her walking around freely and probably plotting to murder me."

Austria nodded understanding the situation. We both turned to the direction where the staircase are, but suddenly I stopped as I remembered something. My uncle noticed it and also stopped, staring at me unsure what happens next.

"We should also collect all of the evidence from the captains office." I mentioned and he looked behind us where the office was.

"How about I go to the office and you go to Russia room. I will soon catch up to you." Austria asked to which I agreed. With it we safe a little bit of time and he knows where the stuff was hidden.

It took me a while until I arrived to my destination. I could see the door on the hallway, but what surprised me was USA standing in front of her door. For me it looked like as if he was about to enter, but he noticed me and showed his usual fake smile while saying," Good morning. Where is your assistant?"

"He's my uncle not my assistant." I corrected him. The man just shrugged it away. My eyes wandered to the door and then back to him. With a questioning look I asked him, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you stay like every other guest inside their cabin."

"I was, but then I started to think for a while and came into conclusion that I could use the time and find some dirt about Russia." USA explained and pointed at the door. There was a hint of suspicious in my voice as I asked him, "What did you expect to find?"

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