13. The Interrogation

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They all went dead silent. Each one eyes the other, thinking who might be the murderer.

The tension rose and I knew I have to handle it now before one of the guests started to act up in panic.

"I will now question each one of you. Please, while I ask you all, to remain calm." I spoke louder to be sure that they all heard it. Not waiting for a protest I walked firstly to Austria.

He surely looked shocked knowing that Slovakia died, but he remained calm on his seat, fiddling on the wooden handle of his walking stick.

"You were in your room, right?" I asked just to be sure. Austria nodded and it was for me enough as an answer. The fact that a murder happened during his lockdown proves that he was innocent. I am relieved, but at the same time it hurts that for this a friend of us had to die.

The next guest was Russia. She remained calm, even unbothered as I went to her. Like always besides her were her dogs. The smaller one who I think was Mikhail half waggle his tail seeing me. It's good to know they don't see as a threat.

"Where were you in the last two hours?" I asked her not standing to close in case the dogs do feel threatened. Not showing any emotion she answered, "I was outside letting my dogs run around. This planteater can confirm it." She nodded her head to India who frowned at her naming him like this, "Yeah she was outside." He answered visibly displeased.

Looking back at her I asked, "You told me you're carrying weapons with you. Could you later show it to me?" She shrugged her shoulder and answered not really carrying, "I don't see a problem there."

Without a warning the door opened and USA stepped in,"I AM BACK! I hope no one missed me too much."

Barely audible Russia sighed and commented to herself, "As if someone would miss such an annoying wrastel." I glanced judgemental back at her, but she didn't react to it.

USA sat next to UK and asked, "What did I miss?" Thankfully UK spared my time with answering his question, "The Detektiv is about to interrogate all of us and we should never walk alone inside the ship incase the murderer continues his killing spree."

"Could I skip it?" USA asked me, "I already told you in the infirmary. There is no point for me to answer the same question twice."

"No. You'll stay to the end of it." I answered while walking to UK. He looked visible frustrated, but he didn't open his mouth.

"Ms. UK where were you during that time?" I asked her and she answered, "In the room of my son. We talked together about some little family issues."

Interesting, but it won't help me with the case. Not waiting any longer I went to Brazil and India. They both sat on their own table near each other. I asked them the same question. Brazil started to speak," I was first in my room getting my stuff and went to the fitness room on the third floor."

"I was first outside. There I saw the woman with her two big rats," India commented glaring at Russia, but she ignored what he just said, "Later I went to the bar with Portugal and drank a little bit."

So far no one said about the blackout except Austria because the lights in his room did went out for a while. There no point to hold them longer inside the dinning room. I need to find touchable evidence and for this I have to find the murder weapon first.

"Everyone is dismissed. Except Russia and USA I want you to show me your weapons." I said and USA immediately complained, "Wait a second. SHE will also go with us!?" He pointed upset at Russia. I explained as calm as possible, "Yes because no one is allowed to go alone."

He looked disgusted and thankfully Russia didn't put any comments on that. She sat calm on her place watching his tantrum.

"Listen USA. Two people died in only three days. I don't care a bit about your issues with her. Either you cooperate with us or you'll be locked up inside your room and we will look at your luggage without you." As I ended, USA gave Russia a glare before facing me," Fine I will go with you, but if she starts insulting me then I won't hold back and her two giant rats will be locked away."

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