Chaewons "boyfriend"

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Manager: Up sleepyhead! Chaewon is going to finishing school soon! We have to pick her up!

Jahoon: Why is it that I always have to come with you to get Chaewon?

I stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, to at least wash my face and brush my teeth.

Manager: You know that Chaewon will be sulky for days at both you and me if you don't come with me to fetch her.

I sighed and put on my clothes. As I walked over to the door, I looked behind me and pointed at the manager.

Jahoon: Well.... Are you coming or not?

I walked out of the door to the car, while the manager rushed out of the door to catch me. Now, who is the manager, and who is the member?

The drive to the school didn't take a long time since Chaewons school wasn't so far away from the dorm. This time I was more prepared with a better disguise than at the time, I fetched Wonyoung. Before walking out of the car, I put my now semi-long hair in a bun and put a pennywise mask on. Next, I took some fake blood and smeared it around the mouth, making sure that I didn't spill anything inside the car, or manager unnie would have killed me. I put a mask on and some sunglasses to hide some of the pennywise masks to not scare the young kids that were going home from their elementary school beside Chaewons school.

I opened the door and pulled my hoodie over my head before sneaking up to the school gate. From time to time, I tried to peek into the school ground to see when Chaewon was coming out. Finally, after what felt like an hour, she came out with her usual group of friends. I almost feel sorry to do this to her but then again, a little prank wouldn't hurt right?

I removed my mask and sunglasses and put them inside the pockets of my hoodie when Chaewon was near the gate, I removed the hoodie from my head to reveal all of the pennywise masks. As soon as Chaewon walked past the school gate, I jumped in front of her.

Jahoon: Waahhhh!

Chaewon and friends: Ahhhh!

Suddenly I was kicked between my legs which made me sank down to the ground, clutching my private area. Before I could be kicked, even more, I stopped them.

Jahoon: Wait! It is just me Jahoon! Your favorite unnie!

I quickly removed the pennywise mask to reveal my face turning in pain. Chaewons friends gasped while trying to help me up without hurting me even more, which didn't succeed.

Chaewon: Jahoon! I'm sorry! Are you okay?!

Chaewon bent down and look my body up and down for any damage. She slowly helped me up and wrapped her arm around my arm to support me. Since the kick was strong, it took me a while before I could stand up on my own. Even though I was beginning to feel alright again, Chaewon still keeps her arm around mine, while I kept my legs closed, in case of another surprise kick.

Chaewons friend 1: We are very sorry Jahoon-nim! We just got too scared that we reacted without thinking.

Chaewons friend 2: Please don't be mad at us, we will do anything to compensate for the damage we have done to you.

I used my free hand to stop them from their wave of talking and chuckle. I bowed to them and put my free hand on top of my heart.

Jahoon: It is fine. You guys don't need to worry about it. It was my fault to scare you guys like this, I thought that you guys wouldn't get that much scared but I have underestimated you. I'm very sorry for my behavior.

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