Chapter 2.

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      Dear bully,

       Today you told the class that I'm wearing red lacey underwear.

You said I let you finger me in the janitor closet just before class started.

Everyone laughed as if it was so funny.

I wanted to break all those ugly fingers you said you fingered me with.

But instead I did what I always do.

I sank lower in my seat and ignored you.

And wished there was somewhere else I can be.

Without my horrible mean bully.

And as paperballs repeatedly hit the back of my head.

I close my eyes and pictured a world where you were dead.

Does that makes me a bad person?

I don't think so.

If I am a bad person for wishing such a thing then know you made me that way.

By tormenting me at school each day.

Like fuck, don't you get that I just wanna be left alone?

Don't you think there is a day I want to come to school and not cower in fear?

Flinching everytime you or one of you friends are near?

Don't you think I wish I had friends of my own?

How can I have friends if you're making me the laughing stock of the world?

Don't you think I'd like to go shopping and partying like other girls?

Without being afraid of a boy with dark curls?

Of course not.

You see, that's just it.

You don't think.

You just do.

And for that...

I really and truly hate you.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now