Chapter 11.

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Dear bully,

Today the first thing you did was called me a slut. This was as I stoop down to tie my shoelace. You came behind me and pushed me so that I landed on my face. My nose bled even though it wasn't broken. I told the principal. He didn't do anything. He just handed my tissue for my nose and sent me to see the school nurse. The school nurse was more understanding. She hugged me and I fall apart in her arms, completely soaking her uniform in my tears. It felt good to have someone care. I haven't been hugged in such a long time. My mother doesn't hug me. She has literally avoid contact with me since my birthday when she kissed my cheek. That's almost three weeks ago. She said since I've turned seventeen, I look like a duplicant of my dad. She just can't stand to be around me.

I was up late one night waiting on my mom like usually. My mom came home late. She came out of the car that had stopped in front of our drive way.

Not any car.

A man's car.

Not any man.

Someone's father.

Not just someone.

But my bully's.


Your father.

I was so mad.

My mother and I got into arguement that night, after which she grounded me.

I was so hurt.

My mother was still banging the father of the boy who was ruining my life and she didn't care.

She didn't really care that I was being hurt by you everyday. It was like whatever it was I going through didn't matter.

I didn't matter.

And today, I decided that I hated my mother and your father just as much as I hated you.

I completely lost my sanity today.

I scared everyone today.

I was proud today.

When I saw a flash of something near fear in your eyes today.

I was had left the nurse office with the intention of going home after.

But as I was going...

I saw your girlfriend cornered a girl.

I recognized the girl from my science class.

She was shy.

She was quiet.

She was invisible.

Like I was once was.

Until today.

Until today, she was extremely scared. You girl friend was jabbing her long fake nail against the girl's chest, threatening her.

I saw fear in the girl's eyes.

Along with unshed tears.

Her expression mirrored my own.

And in her I saw me.

And I just lost it.

I marched right up to your girlfriend and I punched her in face.


I heard her nose break.

I watched her groaned in pain, holding her nose as the blood slipped through her fingers, dripping onto the floor.

But I didn't stop there.

Something about the sight of her blood made me vicious.

Kinda like how a shark go crazy at just a drop of blood in water.

Something about the sight of her blood made me remember nine-year-old me covered in the blood of my pup.

And I began to laugh.

I don't know why.

It just felt right.

She called me a bitch and raised her hand to slap me.

But I caught her hand.

I slammed it against the concrete wall, I bet it got all numb from the pain.

I punch her in the face again.

And again.

And again.

Even as she fell to the floor, attemping but failing to block my blows with her hands, I kept punching her face in.

The more the blood gushed from her once fake but beautiful face.

The more I laugh.

I loved the way the sticky texture feels on my hands.

For each punch I threw, I saw your face.

I wasn't punching her.

I was punching you.

Her screaming had stopped.

I knew she had fainted.

I stood over her unconcious body.

And then I scream.

I screamed for all the pain I had endured all those years.

I was unaware of the crowd surrounding me until I stopped screaming.

Everyone was watching me.

Everyone was whispering.

Everyone's eyes were staring between my bruised fist, my blood covered body and your unconcious girl friend's face which I literally fucked up.

But all I saw was you.

And I smirked.

And for a moment I was satisfied.

Because I saw fear.

Before it disappeared again.

And you're back to being you.

Emotionless you.

But I'll never be me again.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now