Chapter 12.

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Dear bully,

After being suspended for three weeks I'm back. My three weeks felt like a vacation. All because I didn't had to see your face. My mother was pissed about my suspending. She had called me useless ungrateful girl. She had said I was just like my father. I had told her at least I've never fucked a married man. I told I was no slut. I told her she was nothing but a homewrecking whore. She had stopped talking and paled just before slapping me across the face and bursting into angry tears. I didn't care I had made her cry. Everything that had happened was her fault. Your bullying me all started because of her screwing your dad. I was literally being punished for her sins. I watched her cry in silence before slowly turning and walking away. I had made her cry. But I didn't care.

I've become like her.

Like your father.

Like you.

I have become very selfish too.

Everyone is watching at me as I'm walking.

They don't really care that that I could hear them talking.

About me.


It's the biggest news in school that I kicked your girlfriend's ass.

And I feel so...

Fucking good that I did.

Your eyes are in slits as I walked pass your locker.

Your friends are standing with you.

Her friends are too.

I have no doubt that you've planned your sweet revenge.

I'm kinda afraid because...

Obviously, this is you.

I've seen the bad things you can do.

But still with the little bravery I have left.

I lift my head high and walked to class.

And completely block out the whispers.

And ignored the stares.

And bondly sat down in my chair.

I felt your gaze on my neck as you took your seat behind me.

Your friend and the girlfriend's best friend on either side besides me.

In the middle of the class, your girlfriend's best friend announced aloud that I had farted.

I told the teacher I didn't.

Your girlfriend's friend said I did.

We began to bicker.

You and everyone else in class watched us in amusement.

The teacher shouted for us to shut up.

But took the richer kid side.

She said the next time I farted, she would kick me out her class.

My cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

The room erupted in laughter as I sunk farther down in my seat.

If I sunk any lower I would be on the floor right now.

Meanwhile you've been kicking the back of my chair.

Yeah, that's real mature.

What are you five?

I took deep breaths and pretend you weren't there.

That I couldn't hear...

Couldn't feel the thud

Of your feet hitting the back of my chair.

Your friend stucked bubblegum in my hair.

Like seriously guys

I'm beginning to doubt your age

Or maybe your brains are all still in a childish stage

Maybe you're not growing up.

That's why you're an eighteen-year-old bully.

Maybe you'll never grow out of bullying me.

So maybe I just need to give up.

Like must victims do.

But that's not me.

If anyone's giving up.

That person is you.

And I'm not going down without a fight.

Because I hate you with all my might.

My hate keeps me going.

For me it's a blessing.

For others it's a curse.

So dear bully, why not do your worst.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now