Chapter 14.

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    Dear bully,

   I killed my mother today. My own mother.

It's monday.

I still can't believe I killed my flesh and blood, the woman who gave birth to me today.

Not that she was much of a mother .

But she didn't to deserve to die anyway.

Or maybe she did.

Who knows?

I know that you do.

I poisoned her tea.

At breakfast.

I remember watching her sipping her tea.

As I ate my cereal.

Suddenly she stopped sipping and a funny expression crossed her face. Just before she starts coughing. She gripped her throat and her face turned extremely red as her eyes bulges with each cough.

She tried to tell me to get her some water.

But I just sat there,

And kept eating my cereal.

It felt so normal watching her die.

It's funny even.

Almost as if I was watching a movie.

This is how it feels when the darkness takes over my body.

I'm not me anymore.

I'm that bitch I was trying to keep locked inside of me.

Now she's out.

And she's laughing over a big bowl of cereal as she watched her mother who had fallen out her chair gasping for breath.

When my mom died, I put her body where serial killers put bodies sometimes.

In the basement.

Since it was broad daylight and I didn't have time to 'bury my mother in the backyard' so I left her there.

Because it was your turn.

I didn't carry books in my bag today.

No, today I carried a small water bottle of gasoline, a lighter and a gun.

I got the gun from a guy.

Just had to payed few dollars.

It wasn't a licensed gun. I don't need a licensed gun to kill. I just need a gun. And bullets.

To kill you.

I didn't go into class. While everyone was in class, I was starting fire. Believe it our not, small amounts of gasoline can lead to big fire. It didn't exactly matter where I was starting the fire because fires spread. I started with library first, then I started a fire in the study hall, I started a fire at both exists of the school, I started a fire in the boys and girls restrooms. I did this all while you were probably telling lies about you and I having sex and my cumming on your fingers or something of that sort.

I started the fires mainly to scare the teachers. I wanted them to feel the way I do. I wanted them to feel...fear. To stare death in the face. To worry about something other than your father and his fiances. I wanted them to worry about whether they were going to leave this school alive.

Whether I with this gun,

With all these bullets would let them live.

I was wearing red shorts with my black hoodie and knees boots, my hair was done in curls, I had on hoop ears and bright red lips stick.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now