☺Meet The Author✏

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Meet The Author

Hi, guys, my name is Ashanti Cummings but you can call me Ash.
I hope you enjoyed my story. I know I'm not one of the 'best' writers but hey, practice makes perfect right?

Please comment, your opinions whether good or bad all counts, it helps me to improve my writing.

Vote and share my story.

That would be very sweet of you.

Feel free to ask questions.

I wrote for this story for the bullies and their victims. Stop the bullying. I beg of you please. Live and let others live. Be happy and let others be happy. Don't inflict pain, why do so, when this world is so big and beautiful with so many types of beautiful people, instead try making some of those people feel special. Life is short and can end just as quickly as a candle going out, what you do when you're alive matters. Don't be a Asher Marlow. Don't let the bad things you do be the end of you. And victims, I encourage you to seek positive help, be brave and not the kind of brave like Chloe Nixon. Hurting someone who hurt you, living by the PUNCH BACK HARDER rule only have consequences. I want you to be brave in the good way, tell someone you trust, who would listen to your story and let them help you. It's never too late and always the right time. I think everyone is beautiful and unique. I love you all. God does too. He also wants you to be happy. (By the way, I encourage you all to attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Let's end all that's bad.

#Drug use
#Sexual abuse or any other forms of abuse
And all other stuff that affects you life in negative way

And do remember ,people, this is a small world and you can't steal without being reveal. All Rights Reserve. Everything in this book belongs to me, my characters and my story line.

I do not want my book to be translated. I repeat 'I DO NOT WANT MY BOOK TO BE TRANSLATED'.

Well, see ya.

Until next time folks.

I heart you.😘

PS- And thank you so much for your votes and comments. I appreciate it.

Do check out my story 'Kid' it's published on Amazon and if you're a hopeless romantic, you'll love it.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now