Chapter 7.

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Dear bully,

Today your girlfriend and another girl fought for you. I watched from a distance as they tugged each others hair out, punching and slapping each other and shouting profanities. You stood there.

You watched.

You didn't try to stop them.

You didn't care.

Not about them anyway.

What you did care was about yourself.

About showing off to the others guys.

The guys less fortunate to have girls fighting over them.

You put on your bored expression, your 'These-things-happen-everyday-because I'm hot' expression.

I could never understand why two girls would tear each other apart for someone like you. Never. I mean you are indeed breaktakingly handsome.

But what is looks if your heart is black and hard like coal.

What is it?

And as I watched your girl friend successful manage to break the other girl's nose.

I realized how sad the world is.

Here was two girls fighting for the dick in a boy's pants.

When no one can defend a girl being bullied.

No one can stand up and say.


Don't hurt her.

Leave her alone.

No one would do that.

Like ever.

They sit there.

They watch.

They laugh.

Pretty much like their laughing now.

As they watch your girl friend trying to kill another girl.

I think your girl friend is stupid to fight for you.

Most of them probably think so too.

Because those people who laugh with you aren't really your friends.

They don't really like you.

Just the idea of you.

They like the idea of being your friend.

Of having a ride in your car.

Of having you spend money on them.

Girls fantasize on what you would be like in bed.

Boys wonder what it's like to be a part of your 'inner circle'.

Everyone loves your house.

But when they laugh.

It's not with you.

It's at you.


That's what they think.

He thinks he's so special.

Just looking at you arouses feelings in them.

Feelings they never knew existed.

Some feel love but most feel envy, anger, hate

They whisper about you behind your back.

In tenth grade, while in the girls room, crying in the stall, sitting on the toilet.

After you picked up my milk and poured in on my head.

Two girls came in.

They began talking.

My ears perked up when I heard your name. I knew those girls. They were both your ex-flings, one of whom you had shown a nude picture of to all the boys in school.

I hate him. He thinks he's all that but he sucks. He has a brain the size of a peanut and the dick as small as one too. He's such an asshole, one ex-fling said.

I slept with him, the ex-fling sighed aloud, his dick is pretty small. If only it was as big as his ego.

He's bad in bed, a third girl walked in and joined the conversation. I recognized her as one your on and off girlfriend. Before the one you have now.

They began to laugh.

I silently laugh.

It's really no secret that everyone secretly hates you.

I think you know that too.

That's why you make such a big effort.

But you don't need to take all that anger out on me.

I'm not reason you suck.

You could have been my friend.

We could have been friends years ago.

Anyway, it's too late now to think of such things.

Because I don't want to be your friend.

Not anymore.


Because when I close me eyes all I can see is the bad things you did to me.

Still do to me.

And they're the constant reminder

Of all the reasons why I hate you.

Dear bully, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now