Day 1 - Coming Home

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"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker

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"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger... but you don't use them."

Dooku had been wrong. His words - his final words - had been wrong because mere moments after I had overpowered him with my anger and slayed him with hate... and fear.

Doubt swirled round and round in my head as I relived what had taken place on the flagship because I knew my actions were inexcusable and wrong. But at the same time my chest was filled with pride and relief that Dooku was gone. It was a strange state of mind, being so proud and so uncomfortable at the same time and now, sitting safe and sound in a transport headed towards the Chancellor's residence, the sensation grew. The two oppositions seemed to almost create a compression inside of me, threatening to implode.

I glanced over at Obi-Wan and Palpatine. Neither of their faces spoke of any discomfort, despite Palpatine being newly rescued from being kidnapped by enemy forces and Obi-Wan getting significantly hurt during the mission. Neither one of their eyes told of suffering or confusion, but then again, neither of them had killed the Separatist leader when he was unharmed and therefore breaking both the Jedi Code and the treaties of war.

A strange state of mind, for sure. It was however not a new state of mind for me. I loathed it as deeply as always but I also found comfort in knowing it would pass. Hopefully as soon as I was reunited with Padmé.

I wondered if she would be at the Chancellor's residence, greeting us amongst the other politicians I expected to show up. Maybe. I hoped so, but I also knew she was careful and would probably wait at home to avoid the struggle of hiding rising feelings in the presence of Jedi's.

The transport landed and the Chancellor made his way out. As I stepped down to the platform I counted about twenty Senators gathered to meet us. Then I noticed Obi-Wan didn't follow me. I turned and found him standing at the top of the stairs, leaning casually at the door. Splendid.

"Are you coming, Master?"

He grinned and shook his head.

"Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the Council. Besides, someone needs to be the poster boy."

Was that something similar to pride in his eyes? I straightened up and frowned.

"Hold on. This whole operation was your idea."

"Let us not forget, Anakin, that you rescued me from the buzz droids. And you killed Count Dooku, and you rescued the Chancellor - carrying me unconscious on your back." He spoke with sincerity, no trace of humour in his voice or face.

"All because of your training", I objected, shaking my head a little.

Obi-Wan smiled. "Anakin, let's be fair. Today you were the hero, and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians", he said, gesturing towards the group.

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