Day 2 - Vibrations

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The next morning I woke up early

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The next morning I woke up early. I had to get back to the Temple so no one would discover I hadn't slept there. Padmé was still sleeping and I placed a soft kiss to her forehead, careful not to wake her before I got dressed and headed out.

The abyss was still staring at me, the fear was still paralysing. The lack of sleep made my head throb in pain.

But on my way to the Temple I had an idea. Maybe I could speak with Yoda about the dream? Ever since he had trusted me with breaking the rules for him I had held a certain admiration for the old Jedimaster, enough to make me consider turning to him with this. I didn't hold out much hopes but I figured it was worth a shot. I would miss the briefing and perhaps the new reports as well, but that was totally worth it.

The temple greeted me with its usual grandiose simplicity. The statues aligning the hallways looked at me as I sneaked through the building. The temple was huge and told of an ancient divinity. I had always been impressed by it, sometimes even humbled, but ever since Ashoka had left the building had a certain emptiness, as if bits of what was holy didn't reach me anymore. Some of the magic had faded. Returning this time felt no different.

After breakfast I headed over to his chamber. I didn't knock, I suspected he already knew I was coming. When I entered my suspicions were confirmed - he sat on his chair, looking at me without surprise. Tiny, ridged with age, wisdom shining in his eyes.

This would take a lot of effort.

"Master Yoda", I greeted and bowed gently.

"Young Skywalker", Yoda replied. "Slept well, have you?"

I went over to the chair opposite him and sat down, slowly. I had to be mindful around Yoda. Not only was he one of the most experienced Jedis, he was also the most clever one. He always knew where to look - but I also knew how to hide what really needed to be hidden. Years of forbidden marriage had taught me that.

"I have, Master. Thank you."

"What can I do for you?"

I drew a big breath and visualised how the flow of oxygen slowed my heart rate and calmed my mind. Then I met his gaze, keeping mine vacant.

"I have had visions."

"Visions, you say? Of what kind?" Yoda asked, frowning.

"I believe they are premonitions, Master."

Yoda straightened a bit. I knew he had knowledge of what had happened to my mother and chain reaction following, but he didn't jump to conclusions. Instead, he kept a curious expression.

"Premonitions? Premonitions. Hm. These visions you have..."

He waited patiently, wanting me to fill in.

"They're of pain, suffering, death."

I paused before the last word. One major key to keeping my emotions at bay was to be careful around every word, to thread mindfully between them and keep a close eye on my reactions.

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