Day 6 - Crossroads

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I barely slept, only dozing off a couple of times and suddenly it was morning

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I barely slept, only dozing off a couple of times and suddenly it was morning. I skipped breakfast and was barely present during the Councils session. I realised I had missed yesterday's briefing but the events of today were still the most important ones. Obi-Wan had reportedly arrived at Utapu and located Grievous, Cody was on his way to join him.

When I stepped into the elevator after the session I could feel the last bits of yesterday's anger subside. I didn't regret sleeping at the Temple but I longed for the moment I could reunite with Padmé and make amends. I considered going back to her place right away, but as the doors were about to close Windu stepped into the elevator as well and I knew I wouldn't be able to leave early today.

"Master", I greeted and was surprised with how raspy my voice was. Windu raised his eyebrows slightly but didn't comment on it.

"Skywalker. I heard you attended one of the Chancellors meetings yesterday. What was the context of it?"

For Heaven's sake. Windu was the last person I wanted to discuss this with.

"A couple of Senators has created a petition signed by two thousand other Senators asking him to give up his emergency powers and pursue a diplomatic solution to the war", I answered, my voice monotone.

"What was his reaction?"

I shrugged. "He accepted their intentions but disagreed on the severity. He promised an immediate return to democracy after the war."

"Which might end today", Windu muttered. "We will gather reports from the Outer Rim sieges in about an hour. Can you be there?"

"Of course, Master."


The elevator reached the bottom floor and Windu nodded at me before stepping out and heading towards the main hallways. I walked slower, not really sure where to go. An hour was in a way just enough time to go back to Padmés place and reconcile, but she might not even be there. With a heavy heart I realised I would probably not be able to visit her before late this evening, if that. Everything depended on the events of Utapu. Hopefully Obi-Wan succeeded - he had to - and did so quickly. Until then, my presence would be required here as well as at the Chancellor's office.

Therefore I went to wait for Windu straight away.

To my surprise it was only me and Windu who were present in the holocom center. Joining us from their positions on the battle lines were Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Aayla Secura. I remained politely quiet, listening to what they had to say, impatiently waiting for news from Obi-Wan. Yoda spoke of success on Kashyyk and Aayla presented alternative strategies on how to move her troops forward on Felucia.

Finally, Cody appeared. "Master Windu, may I interrupt?"

I leaned forward a bit.

"General Kenobi has made contact with General Grievous and we have begun our attack."

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