Day 5 - Opposition

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To my suprise, Padmé woke up the same time I did the following morning

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To my suprise, Padmé woke up the same time I did the following morning. When I asked why she simply replied that she had a busy day ahead of her, some Senators were to gather at her place. She seemed unwilling to elaborate and I chose not to push her, well aware that I appreciated when she did the same for me. Besides, I did best in not letting my paranoia get the better of me. Our discussion last night had been a reminder of that.

It felt strange to be at the Temple without Obi-Wan and he didn't join the Councils session. When we were finished I wandered around, not really knowing where to go or what to do. I wished Padmé could have taken the day off, or at least not work at the apartment. The hallways seemed bigger than usual, the silence almost deafening. Nothing to distract me from my thoughts. 

For a moment I considered going to the library and searching the archives for information about Darth Plaguesis, but I quickly dismissed that thought. Jocasta Nu, the head of the library would want to chat and I could'n let her see what I was doing. I didn't have a good enough explanation for it.

The lack of sleep was really getting to me. How many hours had slept since I came back? It couldn't be more than ten. Time passed slowly and rapidly at the same, moments fleeting and waiting excruciating. It felt as if I was running out of time while simultaneously having too much of it.

Finally I decided to go to Palpatine's office. I yawned while starting my speeder and to blink a couple of times before opening my eyes properly.

Palpatine was in a meeting and I sat down in the hallway outside his main office, leaning back and closing my eyes. Normally I would be sure to make a good impression whenever I was here, being alert, professional and sharp, but I was too tired to resist the chance to rest my eyes for a moment. I was careful not to fall asleep though, reaching out with the force to keep track of the presence of the people in the building. When I could feel Palpatine approach the doors I straightened up and rubbed my eyes to rid any sign of sleepiness.

Palpatine lit up when he saw me. "Anakin! What a pleasant surprise. How are you, my boy?"

I stood up and bowed my head; "Chancellor. I'm alright, thank you. I hope I'm not disturbing."

"Not at all", Palpatine ensured while waving a handful of Senators goodbye. "Come inside. There is actually something I would like to ask you."

Oh no, I groaned inwardly. No more assignments or speculations, please. But I followed him inside. He sat down at his desk and I lowered myself onto one of the chairs in front of him.

"What can I do for you?"

"I have a meeting with some Senators later today", Palpatine said. "A few of which you know very well. I would really like for you to be here for it."

I raised my eyebrows. That's it?

"Of course, Chancellor, if you really think that's necessary?"

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