Chapter 1

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A/n: Ik this sucks but if you like it just continue reading ig

Y/n's POV:

I woke up really late as I was streaming until 3am last night, I checked my phone and went on Twitter and saw that Wilbur said he was going to stream soon, so I got up went to the bathroom, had a shower once I got out I washed my face with cold water and brushed my teeth and then got changed.
I sat down at my pc and opened up twitch and waited for Wilbur's stream to start it was an improve with jack and Tommy so I just have it playing in the background still listening but writing ideas for my new song that I was working on, Wilbur ent only my

comfort streamer he is my inspiration and my idol all the songs I write are inspired by the one and only, Wilbur Soot. Around about an hour later the stream had ended (pretend The stream didn't end at 11pm gmt) i had about got half the song written down, I checked the time and it was like 3pm I git my shoes in and put my hair into two french braids and left the house to go for a walk down the beach. By the time I got to the beach it was about 3:30pm and there was a couple people but most people had left.

That was the reason I had went to the beach so late because it was late and most people where heading home. I'm not a very social person to be honest I don't really
know why I'm a streamer I just enjoy it. In the distance I saw a kid around 6 years old it was hard to tell, he was walking around panicking frantically no one was around so I
went up to him and asked if he was ok I also asked what his name was.He said that he was lost and his name was Max so I helped him look around for his parents it had been basically 1 hour and a half I had helped him look it was getting dark so I took him to the police station. I went up to the desk lightly dragging Max by his hand, I told the officers that I found Max at the beach close by looking for his parents I got told to fill out a form and leave Max with them they said thy would try contact his parents in any way, I filled out the paperwork as fast as I could trying to hurry up the process.

When I left the station it was dark dimly lit up with the street lamps and raining and quite heavily with that too. "Great" I muttered to myself and looked down slightly speed walking back home I had already been out for a couple hours. Before I knew it I had bumped into someone, crashing and toppling over the top of him, tearing you jeans and scraping my knee against the soaking wet gravel.

Words: 515

A/n: this sucks but I left it on a cliffhanger hehehe 😝 Yw Ik you hate me now

A single piece of music {WILBUR SOOT X READER!}Where stories live. Discover now