Chapter 6 ~A big day

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Quick a/n: I haven't proof read sorry if there is any mistakes

Y/n POV:

I opened up messages and hovered over Wilbur's contact, wonder whether or not I should message him. After a little of indecisiveness I clicked on his contact I started typing, I hadn't liked what I said so deleted it and retyped aggressively. I had finally come with "hey will! I was wondering if you wanted to stream together today?"
I hadn't clicked send yet and I didn't really want to either, I sat there gnawing and pickings the sides of my nails until they were bleeding and I had hang nails, I wanted to send the text but also didn't either it was confusing. I had actually plucked up the courage and clicked the blue arrow hovering right next to the text I was sending. As soon as it sent it immediately came up saying he had read it, then the grey dots started then bam they stopped.

And then they started again, once again they had stopped. This had lasted for about 5 minutes and I was getting impatient, turned off my phone and chucked it on my bed. I got up walked out of my room and head in the back garden up to the shed. I had decided to go on a bike ride to get things off my mind so I grabbed bike and headed out of the house.

Wilbur's POV:

I saw that y/n text me I light up and my stomach fluttered when I saw the notification pop up, I was actually feeling quite down that day and didn't feel like doing much. But when I read the text..

Y/nn (nick name)💞:
hey will! I was wondering if you wanted to stream together today?

I started to type thinking rapidly of what to reply, do I say yes? Do I say no? Do I say u can't I'm too busy? Was it too much? Was it too less? Do I seem needy?But with all that rushing through my head I start typing even more, it sounded stupid so I deleted, I started to type again but once again I didn't think it was enough.

Eventually it had been 10 minutes and I finally came up with a reply.

Y/nn (nick name)💞:
hey will! I was wondering if you wanted to stream together today?

                                                                                    Giraffe 🦒
Hi y/n! Yea Ofc I would love to stream with you! Is there a certain time you want and what the stream is?

I shut off my phone and waited for a reply.

Y/n POV:

I had come back from my bike ride it wasn't too long, just to get some stress off and work some things out my mind. I rolled my bike through the house, out he garden and up to the shed. I walked back in the house, and went up to go for a shower.

After that I walked to my room, and checked my phone. There awaiting for me was a message from Wilbur •20 minutes ago

Y/nn (nick name)💞:
hey will! I was wondering if you wanted to stream together today?

                                                                                    Giraffe 🦒
Hi y/n! Yea Ofc I would love to stream with you! Is there a certain time you want and what the stream is?

I replied as soon as I could

Y/nn (nick name)💞:
Hey wil! Sorry for the late reply it's just I went on a bike ride to clear my mind, also that's great thanks! Uhm maybe at 6pm and just a chatting stream , maybe some minecraft, but if geogessr and stuff like that

                                                                                    Giraffe 🦒
                                                             That sounds great! See ya then

Wilbur's POV:

Nice going will.... you sound stupid, to needy and an attention seeker, I can't think that right now...

Time check - 4:35pm

Ok so I have some time to clear my head and get ready cool. I walk to the shower and hope in. It was a cold shower, they calm me when I need to clear my head I don't really know why I just know that it works.

Time skip ⏭

6:33pm, time to get ready to stream, I walked over to my pc and loaded up discord I got told to join vc 2 by y/n so that what I did. We had caught up with Each other and our days not like I could say I did much because I really didn't but I liked listen to her talk it was calming, soothing even. Y/n had said she was doing the intro so she went on deafen I was sat back in my chair waiting for something to happen, but then I heard a piano starting to play, she must be playing for her stream that's sweet. Eventually after the piano had played she started to play the same song on the guitar it sounded truly magnificent and then she began to play them lapsed over each other, they collided so well and it was incredible it made me sit there in awe. Then I thought to myself "damn a single piece of music and you can fall this hard for someone" I was very wary and cautious that I had said it out loud but thankfully in hadn't.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed righting it little bit of a cliffhanger for yall sorry hehe but little hint to the end if the story a part of this chapter was foreshadowing to the end I'm a genius hehehe

Words: 932

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