~Chapter 13~

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We walked through the  door and took off our shoes went and got changed and collapsed on the bed as y/n curled up in on the side of me.

That night we fell asleep in each other's presence while playing with each other's hair.

Y/n's POV

I woke up to a bright glistening sun beam shooting me in the eyes, I was sprawled out over my bed with Wilbur.

A beautiful man that I can now call my boyfriend. I snuggled into his side leaching his heat that he had gathered during the night, he stretched and arm out and gently placed it around my side . He startes to play with my hair with a slight smug grin on his face.

"Morning sleepyhead" he grumbled happily with his morning voice.

"Fuck off" I replied with a chuckle

"No need to get arsey" he mocked from the first time he had fell asleep on call with me and the exact same thing happened except this time we flipped the script.

We both laughed enjoying eachothers presence.

"Has anyone ever told you that your morrnnrning voice is really cute" I sprung up out of nowhere and flushed a light pink shade on my face.

"No, you're the first" he replied burning a instense red blush from his cheeks to his ears.

"Well it's true, people should tell you more often, by people I mean me" I managed to spit out in a proud tone

We fell into a comfortable silence cuddling eachother like we were the only ones left in the world.

Time skippp⏩⏩

We had finally got up and started getting dressed well Wilbur did I grabbed my clothes and I went for a quick shower.

After I was done I climbed out dried off, changed into my clothes, dry my hair then put it into a cute messy bun.

I walked out the bathroom and through the walls I heard a faint guitar srtrumming. I followed the sound walking through my room and down the hallway and notice the sound was coming from the guest room. It makes sense because that's where I left my guitar, I opened up the door and sat next to Wilbur on the bed and just swayed peacefully to the tune he was playing which just so happened to be a song I hadn't heard before.

I turned to face Wilbur and stared right into his gorgeous hazel coloured eyes that glisten perfectly in any light as Wilbur started singing.

(For the sake of this pretend it hasn't came out yet)

"Well, it's 2:45 p.m.
Wake up from snoring, open DMs
Can of Red Bull by the bed
Vape is charged and Snapchat's read
What's poppinnnnn
What's poppinnnnn

She's beauty, she's grace
She has a profile picture of an anime girl's face

Just a single message more
Sends her rubbing up my ethernet cord
I wanna be the guy
That you fall asleep on call with
I'll make you forget
Every guy that came before me
'Cause I like you
And you like my attention
Let's skip to the good bit
Let's consummate our internet connection

A single piece of music {WILBUR SOOT X READER!}Where stories live. Discover now