~Chapter 12~

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We stayed in eachothers arms until the sun had set and we descided to walk back home hand in hand. I could still feel the ghost of his touch that was still lurking.

Wilburs pov

When we got back we took our shoes off and sat down on the sofa, putting something on the tv. Y/n nagged and nagged to watch f/t/s   (Favourite tv show)

After 5 minutes of slight bickering we descided to watch f/t/s. We turned it on a got settled on the sofa grabbing a blanket and we were sat next to eachothet hand in hand under the blanket.

Time skip ⏭

After several hours of binging tv I was exhausted and I was guessing y/n was too because she yawned trying to keep their eyes open and concentrate on the show. Eventually I felt a weight added to my shoulder, I look over to see a sleeping y/n on my shoulder. my heart melted at the sight, I grabbed the tv remote and switched off the tv, picking up y/n and carrying them bridal style to their bedroom. I place them down and get the blanket cover on them, I go to walk away but a hand grabs mine and I hear a faint

"Stay" from y/n

And with that I climbed In with them

I felt a bit awakward but that soon slipped away as I felt y/n cuddle into my chest. And after that I drifted off into a slumber

Time skip ⏭

I woke up to y/n laying on me and I
wasn't going to complain I loved it, the feeling she has given me is something I have never felt ever before. So I stayed in this position with y/n for another 10 minutes playing with their hair. I would have stayed there forever if I could but I had to get up as I couldn't bare the hunger I was feeling anymore.

I slipped away from y/n trying so hard not to wake her up and replaced where I once was with a pillow.
I walked into the kitchen grabbing some pans and began to start cooking .
I was making a full English breakfast for me and y/n because I remember them saying that it was one of their favourite breakfast other than  f/b/f
(Favourite breakfast food)
And  with that I started making breakfast for the both of us.

I heard a slight stirring come from y/n's Bedroom it stopped after 2 minutes and I heard small footsteps walking closer and closer until I felt their tiny
Warm arms wrap around my waist as I leached off her heat that she was reflecting. She stood up as much as she could and kissed my cheek making my face flush a tinted Rosie red. Then proceeding to whisper In my ear
"I think we should talk about what happened the other night" with a soft tone. I nodded and my mind started whizzing past with all the possibilities
Did she like it?
Was it wrong?
Could she want more?
What if it wrecks out friendship?
Maybe she just think we should forget about it?
Does she like me?
What is she going to say?
Maybe she doesn't want to speak to me again what would I do with out her

Stop being stupid Wilbur she isn't going to forget about you

What if she does?

Stop over thinking it, you will be fine
1... 2... 3...

We stayed in that position for as long as we could without me having to move around as much as I probably would have with out her clinging to me like a sloth to a tree branch.

Time skippperrr

After a while we had ate our breakfast, managed to settle down, plan what to do for the day aka streaming yet non of us want to be the one to bring up that

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