~chapter 15~

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A/n!!! Nothing in this chapter belongs to me unless I say it does I would give all the credit to these guys I just simple can't find them and I would love to draw I just simply can't be asked


I simply smiled and hugged her back. I got my phone out and messaged my roommate telling them I'm coming back now. "Ok y/n I have to go now" I said getting up and they walked me to the door slipped on their shoes and I just looked at them confused.

"I'm walking you out the appartnent building" she spoke almost as if she could hear my thoughts. We walked threw the hallways and down the stairs in a comfortable silence until we had to say are goodbyes and  we hugged for a good 5 minutes before I left and walked out the door and down the streets almost in tears.



I walked back up the flights of stairs to my apartment building on the verdge of tears, I had understood why he needed to leave but I didn't want him too yet I also didn't want to feel selfish so I knew I had to let him go besides it's not like it's the last time I'm going to see him and I can stream and call him like I used too before he was here.
Yea I like oh better that way.

After the long walk of eight flights of stairs and a rough ten minute walk of walking through long stretches out hallways I had finally reached my door.
I pulled my keys out of my pocket trying to find the key that fit the dore
Faffing around for a couple more minutes and I had finally walked through the door of my apartment I kicked off me shoes walked over to the sofa and fell back wondering what I was going to do next I feel really lost without Wilbur here, and I had only been alone for a couple of seconds. I walked to my room and picked up my guitar and playing the strings of the song that I have yet to finish all it needs is the words and it will be done but I can't quite think of them.

Time skip⏭

I had finally finished my song, I was so proud of my slef I was going i stream later and show it off. I still felt really lost though and I didn't quite know how to shake the feeling. I walked into the guest room where Will had stayed and I noticed there was a hoodie scrunched up on the floor, I walked over to it, picked it up then slipped it over my head making it fall straight down to my hips because of how abnormally tall he is it was massive on me but I could smell the familiar sent kg his cologne that instantly filled me with comfort as if he was stood there wrapping his arms around me enveloping me in a Massive hug.

I just tried to go on with my day as I normally would of that meaning I was glooming around all day being lonely wishing that wil was here with me. I found the teddies that will had one me at the arcade and it moved them behind my oc where they would be in fake when I stream later, speaking of streaming I might stream now actually.

I walked over to my pc and plopped down in my gaming chair I opened up stream labs set up my stream giving it the title of 'QnA and something different' and then put the category 'just chatting' and clicked go live and with that I put on my starting stream soon screen and put on some music in the background
After a while and the viewer count had gone up a bit I took of the starting stream soon screen off and everyone was met with my face smiling at them

I waved into the camera and started my intro

"Hi!, hello my loves! Welcome back, or welcome, if you are new here my name is (y/u) ur user) or you can call me
Y/n if you really wish to do so"

A single piece of music {WILBUR SOOT X READER!}Where stories live. Discover now