~chapter 10~

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Wilbur pov

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine, I looked around and that's when I remembered that I was in y/n's place.

I walked out the room looking around, I saw y/n in the kitchen making something.i snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled my face into her neck.

She jumped slightly

""Fucking hell Wil you scared me" she said

"Sorry love, what ya making?" I questioned. My stomach flipped when I said love, what if she didn't like it, what if she will get mad at me, will she hate me?

"Bacon sand-" she started to say then j cut her off

"Can I just have sand?"  I said

"Oml will, no bacon sandwiches love" she giggled

God my stomach fluttered, she called me love she was so cute and that giggle was amazing. I felt my face heating up

We stayed in a comfortable silence still hugging, I was smiling to myslef into her neck, I was loving this the best thing about it though is that she wasn't moving, she wasn't uncomfortable, she was enjoying it. That made me feel so much better.

Time skip ⏭

She swiped my arms of her waist I was sad at that but she walked around the kitchen and grabbed the bread out the cupboard, it made me feel better that she only pulled away because she needed too.

She made the sandwiches and put them on the two plates on the counter. I grabbed the plates and took them to the island, while I was doing that y/n grabbed us drinks I sat down and y/n followed after I while.

Time skip⏭ (because I find this awkward)

Me and y/n where trying to find something to do today it took us like 20 minutes to actually find something and we decided on going to an arcade.

A/n: I have t been to an arcade for a while so I forgot what they were like tbh.

We walked down to the arcade, we walked around doing every game there shedding smiles and laughs every moment.

Me and y/n decided to split up and see how many tickets we could get and who would win.

I wanted to win so I could get y/n something.

First j went to a jackpot machine and I got 2,500 tickets and I already had 10,000 from me and y/n before

After that I went to a claw grab and after a couple goes I ended up getting a polar bare a brown bare and a panda

(Like we bare bears ifs amazing go watch it)

I went to loads of other games and got tons of tickets then decided to go back to the jackpot machine and got 15,000 tickets

I saw y/n at the ticket counter I went over there and said to her

"are you ready to loose" I question

"In your dreams wilby" she snickered

I counted all my tickets and I ended up getting  38,000 tickets and y/n got
30,000 so it was close we went to see what we could get and y/n pointed at this giant f/a (favrote animal) teddy

" I wish I could get it but I don't have enough" she pouted she spent all her tickets and walked out I followed after her.

"Shoot I forgot my car keys in there I'll be right back" I lied

I went back in and bought them that teddy.

I snuck up behind her and threw it at her.

They turned round and saw me and then looked down and saw the teddy laying on her feet. She picked it up and squealed. She ran up and hugged me.

"So you didn't loose your car keys?" She questioned

"Nope!" I replied smugly

We walked to the car and took of my backpack and put it down by my feet.

"Oh! I forgot! Have you watched we bare bears?" I asked

"Yep! It's amazing" she replied

"Who is your favrote character in it?" I questioned again

"Ice bear" she replied (based y/ns favrote bear of off mine)

"Close your eyes and open out your hands" I replied

I opened my backpack and handed her the polar bear

She opened her eyes and squealed once again.

"Thank will I love it!" She hugged me
"I'll name it wil because ice bear is the tallest one and you're very tall" they added.

I pulled out the brown bear and the panda I held up the panda and said "this ones mine and the panda is like our child! I'll call the brown bare y/n because you named urs will and the panda is our child" I added

They giggled and began to blush.
God that smile was gorgeous and the giggle that came with it was just amazing it fills me with so much joy

(Sorry if that sounds creepy)

Words with out a/n: 974

And that's a wrap everyone!
This isn't really important to the plot or anything just wanted to write some wholesome moments to it also felt like you should have some more chapters because we haven't got that many

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