~Chapter 7~

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A/n: I'm a little rusty haven't wrote for a while so don't mind if it's bad but knowing ur feedback u bropetly won't think it will be.
Also at the moment my phone screen is very much Brocken and it's very hard to read through it to see what I'm writing and I have quite an old phone so it is laggy so if anything looks weird my phone just freaked out bear with me here. If I use they/them pronouns at any time dong get confused I use they/them now so I unconditionally use they/them if u don't just change it ti she/her or what ever you use

6:33pm, time to get ready to stream, I walked over to my pc and loaded up discord I got told to join vc 2 by y/n so that what I did. We had caught up with Each other and our days not like I could say I did much because I really didn't but I liked listen to her talk it was calming, soothing even. Y/n had said she was doing the intro so she went on deafen I was sat back in my chair waiting for something to happen, but then I heard a piano starting to play, she must be playing for her stream that's sweet. Eventually after the piano had played she started to play the same song on the guitar it sounded truly magnificent and then she began to play them lapsed over each other, they collided so well and it was incredible it made me sit there in awe. Then I thought to myself "damn a single piece of music and you can fall this hard for someone" I was very wary and cautious that I had said it out loud but thankfully in hadn't.



I had just finished playing music for my stream into and spoke to Wilbur. At the start he didn't speak for a moment.

"Are you there?"
"Earth to Wilbur"

I clapped my hands to hopefully snap him out of what ever he was thinking and surprisingly it worked.

"Sorry  n/n I spaced out for a bit" Wilbur said quietly
"It's alright but you can't just leave me hanging like that dude" y/n warned him

"NOW! DO U WANNA OLAY SOME MINECRAFT" I yelled probably making him deaf

"FUCK YEA!" He yelled at the same volume as me

"Do you want to make a new world?" I asked Wilbur calmly

"Sure why not" he replied

I loaded minecraft and made a new world and sent the seed to will then he joined

I ran over to him, I crouched and hit him then I ran away hitting him some more when he ran closer eventually he died and I ran back to spawn.

"You little fuck!" Wilbur said in a raised voice but not so much that he was shouting and in response I just giggled and ran away

I started to get some wood for a crafting table and some tools and making double for will I went over to him and gave him his stuff. Then we found a place to mine so we started mining and got some stone tools.

"Will look! Over here!" I shouted after I found some iron

Time skippity

I had made a little den out of dirt and had a bed, chest, crafting table and a furnace in it, I had made a put a trap door were the door would be so there was a gap ,a spy-whole if you will, and I was sat there killing the mobs that came up to it at night time. it was fairly small but that's alright because it had everything I needed for the moment, once all the mobs were killed I went to bed for the night and so did Wilbur. When it was day time again I ran around collecting as much wood as I can of all sorts I could find with Wilbur also helping even though he had no idea what the wood was for.

I kept some as logs and turned others into planks and put them in my chest for the moment. I went on a massive hunt for sand to get some glass, I think you can see what I'm getting up to here, but yet Wilbur still had no clue as to what I was doing and was following me around like a lost puppy just keeping up any random conversation that we were having. The sun started to set so I finished getting the very last hits of sand and ran back to our little den. I placed the sand in the furnace and stood by the spy whole killing some more mobs Wilbur stood next to me doing the same and then we went to sleep again.

Time skipppp

It's been about 2 hours of playing Minecraft with will and I had started to build a frame of a house with some spruce logs with poles sticking up at each corner. Will had already ended stream and he sounded really tired I'm pretty sure he was even struggling to keep his eyes open but he insisted on stay up, I went on deafen and started to wrap up stream.

"Alright bye loves, hope you have a great rest of your day or start of your day, I'll be heading off now" I said happily waving at the camera I searched for someone to raid and ranboo was live and then I ended the stream.

"Hey wil, how u holding up?" I said after undeafinfing.

I didn't get a response for a good 5 minutes and then heard a light snore. I chuckled at him he was so cute a messaged him on discord saying that he fell asleep and then I said goodnight but I didn't end the call because I wanted him to wake up and see that he was still on call with me. I walked over to my bed and flopped on it not even bothering to pull the covers over me and as soon as my head hit the pillow j dozed off into a deep slumber.


Word count:1100

A/n: alright so I haven't updated this I. A while I have cracked my phone and count really see what I was writing so bare with me but I hope u enjoyed this new chapter and hopefully the ones that shall come after this one even though they might take a while to publish

A single piece of music {WILBUR SOOT X READER!}Where stories live. Discover now