~chapter 16~

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"The poem and drawing along with it represented both life and death that things have to live and move on to be fully complete and even beautiful things have to come to an end eventually" I spoke out loud thinking to myself how I had unknowingly gave myself a message that Wilbur may not always be there for me and I have to learn how to respect that and help myself when he can't because sometimes it's yourself that you need saving from.

With this knowledge I began to smile to myself
Knowing that Wilbur and I are in a perfectly happy place and we are moving along with a life like a melody being played thoroughly To sound elegant right up until the very end

Wilburs pov

I watched y/n's stream right up until the very end and I was on call for half of it. When I'm streaming with y/n I forget I'm streaming and it just becomes are regular conversations but with people watching them.

After y/n's stream had finished I kept thinking about their song that they wrote it was awesome don't get me wrong but I keep thinking is there a way a could be about me?

"Hey y/n?" I said questioning
"Yes wil" she replied curiously
"About the song you wrote..."

"What about it, do you not like it? Please tell me you like it?" She said frantically

"Yes, yes I loved it I just had a question about it" I replied

"Oh ok, what's your question" she replied nerves eased now

"Alright so, i might be wrong but was it about me?"

When I asked her, she instantly went I bright red and looked down.

"Uh- yea it is, you see when we first I already knew who you were but you had no idea on who I was and I absolutely loved you but not in a romantic way to start off with I loved you because you brought me joy and comfort which is funny because when we first met the weather wasn't comforting at all the sky was bucketing it down so hard that the little drops of water bounced off the floor and went right up to my knees again and I had just come back from dropping a lost kid I found on the beach and helped find their parents but I couldn't find them and i went to the police station with them and after I left I met you and that was the most important part of my life because it was when our bond began to grow.." they explained to me looking down at their lap and fidling with a ring on their finger.

"Wow.. I never knew that's what you felt about me. It feels like such a more empowering song now I know that" I replied, that brought a smile to their face.

" I know I'm ment to be living with my roommate and I know we just left each other but I miss you. Do you want to come over and watch a movie or something?" I suggested

"Sure I would love too!" They added

Time skippp

Me and y/n were just cuddling on the sofa watching a movie when I felt their head plop down on my shoulder, I looked over and they had fallen asleep, I blushed like mad. I heard a door closed behind me I whipped my head around and saw my roommate standing there then he called out


"Says you!" I whisper shouted

He chuckled and then ran off. I finished watching the film with my arm wrapped around y/n. I picked them up and carried them to my room they stirred in my arms a little bit and when I placed them Down in bed fully woke up.

She sat up and said "I'm not tired anymore!"
"Of course your not silly!" I replied and chuckled

"What could we do?" They asked

"What if you sang your song to me" I suggested and went a bright crimson red.

They just laughed at me and got up to grab my guitar, they started strumming the strings looking down at them but when they started singing they kept eye contact with me the whole time

Song is at the top ^^
Or down here 🔽🔽

I was blushing mess but I couldn't help it that now I know that the song is about me

"I never knew a piece of music could make me fall so hard for someone" I added on

"Willl" they said with a big blush rising to their cheeks

"Woops I said that out loud didn't I?" I questioned

"Yes you did" they replied with a little giggle

I wrapped my arms around them the braught my hand to the chin tilting their head up to be looking at me in the eyes. I watched their eyes as they flickered from mine down to my lips and back up again. I leaned in and sealed the gap between us as I feel that familiar electric pulse surging through me once again.

That night we fell asleep cuddling in each other's arms knowing that it's exactly where we want to be, with each other

Words: 920

A single piece of music {WILBUR SOOT X READER!}Where stories live. Discover now