First Time-Rated M (Hizzie)

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Hope and Lizzie make love for the first time. Rated M.

"You did all this for me?" Lizzie asks, taking in Hope's bedroom.

There are rose petals on the bed. Candles are lit, placed on Hope's bedside table as well as her dresser.

"Of course. You deserve the world, and I want to give it to you," Hope smiles, striding towards Lizzie and taking both of her hands in hers.

"I love you," Lizzie whispers, looking deep into Hope's blue eyes.

"I love you too. We don't have to do anything. We can just watch a movie and cuddle," Hope replies.

"I know. But I want to. I want you to be my first and I want to be yours. Make love to me. Please Hopey," Lizzie begs.

"Okay," Hope smiles, leading Lizzie over to her bed.

Lizzie lays down on it and beacons Hope to come closer. Hope casts a quick silencing spell on the room before gently laying on top of Lizzie, kissing her lovingly. Lizzie runs her hands through auburn locks, pulling her girlfriend closer to her. Soon, Lizzie is tugging on Hope's shirt. Hope laughs, breaking the kiss to take her shirt off, revealing a white bra. Lizzie stares wide eyed at the sight before her.

"What?" Hope asks, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"You're beautiful. I can't believe you're mine," Lizzie replies lovingly.

"Me too. I can't believe Lizzie Saltzman is my girlfriend," Hope smiles.

"Help me take my shirt off?" Lizzie asks, guiding Hope's hands to the buttons of her shirt.

Hope nods and unbuttons Lizzie's shirt, helping her sit up to take it off. Lizzie lays back down, her top half only covered in a light pink bra. She blushes and refuses to meet Hope's gaze.

"How you this gorgeous?" Hope asks, cupping Lizzie's face softly, forcing the blonde to meet her gaze.

"Kiss me. Please," Lizzie begs.

Hope does as she asks, leaning down to kiss the blonde once more. After kissing for a few moments, Hope begins to kiss down Lizzie's neck, leaving love bites every few inches. Lizzie groans and Hope reaches her breasts, kissing and sucking on her hardened nipples. Hope smirks, continuing her trail of kisses down to Lizzie's skirt.

"Can I take this off, baby?" Hope asks.

"Yeah. Take yours off too," Lizzie requests.

Hope nods, standing up to remove her skirt before resuming her position on top of Lizzie. She gently tugs Lizzie's skirt down, throwing it aside. It lands with the rest of their clothes. Lizzie grabs hope's hand and lowers it so it rests on top of her underwear.

"Are you sure?" Hope asks, looking into Lizzie's light blue eyes.

"I'm sure if you are," Lizzie replies, tucking Hope's auburn locks behind her ear.

"I'm sure. I love you, baby," Hope smiles.

"I love you too, Hopey. Now make love to me. Please," Lizzie begs.

"Okay," Hope agrees, placing a gentle kiss on Lizzie's lips before finally removing her underwear.

Lizzie blushes and looks away, refusing to meet Hope's gaze. Hope gently cups her face, and the blonde meets her eyes.

"You are so gorgeous. God, Liz, I can't believe your mine. I love you so much," Hope smiles.

"If you love me, then show me, Hope," Lizzie husks, grabbing Hope's hand and lowering it to her pussy.

Hope's eyes widen at the wetness she finds there. Lizzie groans as Hope gently rubs her clit, clutching at Hope's shoulders. The tribrid meets Lizzie's eyes as she enters her slowly. Lizzie groans at the stretch. She goes deeper, being as gentle as she can, until she reaches Lizzie's hymen.

"This is going to hurt a bit. Do you want to stop?" Hope asks.

"No. I trust you. Just please be gentle," Lizzie replies, gazing into Hope's blue eyes lovingly.

"Okay," Hope agrees.

Keeping eye contact with Lizzie, Hope enters the blonde all the way, breaking her hymen. Lizzie lets out a whimper of pain, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby," Hope says, kissing Lizzie's forehead.

"It's okay. It'll stop soon. Just kiss me," Lizzie replies.

Hope leans down and kisses Lizzie, making sure not to move an inch. A few minutes pass, and Lizzie's pain eases.

"Okay. You can start moving," Lizzie tells Hope.

The tribrid nods, and rests their foreheads together. She starts moving her fingers, slowly thrusting in and out of her girlfriend. Lizzie moans, and clings to Hope's back. Hope smiles, and begins rubbing Lizzie's clit with her thumb.

"That feel good, baby?" Hope asks.

"Yes. Oh Hopey. Faster," Lizzie groans in pleasure.

Hope smirks, and moves her fingers faster. She rubs Lizzie's slit as fast as she can, and soon, Lizzie is moaning her name as she cums. Hope removes her fingers from her girlfriend, wiping them on the sheets. She kisses Lizzie's head lovingly.

"I love you," Lizzie sighs happily.

"I love you too," Hope replies, smiling at the blonde.

Lizzie smirks at the tribrid, gripping her hips lightly and rolling them over so Hope is on her back. She tangles her hands in auburn locks and kisses Hope deeply. Hope moans as Lizzie begins to kiss down her neck, leaving lovebites on her collar bones.

"Lizzie, please," Hope begs, pushing Lizzie's head down.

"Please what?" Lizzie smirks, meeting the girl's eyes.

"Make love to me," Hope groans.

Lizzie complies, sucking a stiff nipple into her mouth. She massages the other breast with her hand before switching. Hope grips blonde locks tightly. Lizzie kisses above her hipbone and looks up at Hope for consent. Hope nods, so Lizzie removes her skirt and panties. She is about to enter her girlfriend, when Hope grabs her hand.

"What's wrong, baby? Do you want to stop?" Lizzie asks, concerned.

"No. I just want you to hold me while you take me," Hope requests.

"Alright," Lizzie agrees.

They shift so Lizzie is resting against the headboard, Hope laying in her arms, her back against Lizzie's chest.

"Okay," Hope says, guiding Lizzie's hands down to her soaking wet center.

Lizzie enters her quickly, breaking her hymen. Hope whimpers and pain. Lizzie distracts her by whispering sweet nothings into her ear, kissing her neck.

"You can move, baby," Hope tells Lizzie once the pain has ceased.

Lizzie nods, and gently starts thrusting her fingers in and out of the tribrid. She uses her thumb to rub Hope's clit.

"Lizzie!" Hope moans, causing the blonde to smile.

"Are you close, baby?" Lizzie asks when she feels Hope's walls start to flutter around her fingers.

"Yes," Hope groans.

Lizzie moves faster, rubbing Hope's clit in circular motions. Soon, Hope is coming, moaning Lizzie's name. Lizzie pulls out gently, laying down on the bed and pulling her girlfriend with her. They lay in each other's arms. Lizzie pulls the covers over them, and kisses Hope's forehead.

"I love you," Hope whispers.

"I love you too," Lizzie smiles.

Soon, they both drift off, content smiles on their faces, wrapped up in each other's loving embrace.

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