Baby Hope Part 2

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Takes place one week after the first part.

Lizzie is exhausted. Taking care of a baby is much harder than she ever expected. While baby Hope is cute, she misses her girlfriend as babies can't really talk or go on dates. She just wants to be in the tribrid's arms again.

She awakes to Hope's cries, and forces herself to get out bed. Lizzie walks over to the pack and play and picks bay Hope up. She rocks her back and fourth, making shushing sounds. Soon, the baby stops crying and is calm in the blonde's arms.

Lizzie grabs one of the pacifiers and slips it into Hope's mouth. She lays Hope on her bed, placing pillows around her so the baby doesn't roll off onto the floor. The blonde grabs a fresh diaper, some wipes, and a new outfit which consists of a long sleeved onsie with little flowers all over it and some grey leggings. She changes Hope into the fresh diaper and outfit before picking her up again.

A knock comes at the door and Josie enters. She can tell her sister is exhausted and missing big Hope, so she crosses the room and takes the baby from her. Hope coos at Josie, who smiles at the auburn haired baby.

"You look exhausted, Liz. Let me and Lizzie take care of her for a while," Josie offers.

"Are you sure?," Lizzie asks.

"I'm sure, and we both know Penelope's so whipped for me that she'll do anything I ask. Now, get some rest. Dad says by tonight, she should be back to her normal self," Josie assures the blonde siphoner.

"Okay. Satan definitely is whipped for you. Here's the diaper bag. Everything you need is in there. She likes the yellow unicorn a lot and the purple blanket is her favorite," Lizzie nods, handing her twin the cloth diaper bag.

Josie takes it and swings it over her shoulder. She readjusts Hope on her hip and makes her wave bye to Lizzie, which causes a small smile to creep across the blonde's face. Baby Hope is pretty darn cute, after all. The brunette leaves, shutting the door behind her.

Lizzie collapses onto her bed, and tears fill her eyes. She yearns for her girlfriend. The blonde used to think she would never fall so hard for someone that she would miss then greatly after only a week, but then she fell for Hope, and all bets were off.

She just wants to be wrapped up in Hope's arms again and feel the tribrid's soft lips on hers. She yearns for Hope's voice, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she falls asleep. Eventually, the blonde is able to fall asleep, but it is a fitful one, her mind filled with worries about what if Hope stays a baby forever.


Once she has left her sister, Josie takes Hope to Penelope's room. Penelope planes up from her book, and a soft smile creeps across her face as she takes in her girlfriend, who still has Hope resting on her hip.

"Hey Jojo. I take it we're in charge of Mikaelson for a while?" Penelope asks, placing a bookmark into her book and putting it on the bedside table.

"Yep. Told Lizzie to get some sleep. She's so exhausted," Josie confirms.

The brunette takes a seat besides the witch on the bed. She hands baby Hope to Penelope, who takes her and places the baby onto her lap. Josie puts the diaper bag down and begins rummaging around for a bottle and some formula. She finds them, and prepares the bottle, using a spell to heat it.

The siphoner hands the bottle to Penelope, who shifts Hope so she is in a cradle position, and removes the pacifier, offering the bottle in its' place. Hope pouts adorably for a few seconds, but soon realizes the bottle is right in front of her and begins to drink from it. Suckling noises fill the room as Hope drinks.

"The spell's suppose to wear off tonight, right?" Penelope asks.

"Yeah. Good thing, too. I mean, Hope's cute as a baby and all, but I miss my best friend and I know Lizzie misses her girlfriend," Josie replies.

"Yeah, I know, babe, but Hope will be back to her normal self soon," Penelope assures her girlfriend, beginning to burp Hope, who has finished the bottle.

"I hope so, Pen, I hope so," Josie sighs.

The pair spend the rest of the day taking care of and playing with Hope. The baby is extremely fussy today, and neither girl knows why. They assume it has something to do with the spell wearing off, however, and just continue to care for the tribrid, hoping that the spell wears off sooner rather than later.


Lizzie sleeps for most of the day. By the time she awakes, the sun is just setting. She stretches her arms and opens her eyes. The blonde thinks for a moment that Hope is sitting at the foot of the bed, back to normal. Lizzie rubs at her eyes and blinks several times just to be sure.

A wide smile creeps across her face. The spell has indeed worn off, and sitting at the foot of her bed, waiting for Lizzie to awaken, is Hope. The tribrid turns and smiles at Lizzie, and that's all it takes for Lizzie to throw herself into Hope's arms. The auburn haired girl catches her easily, laughing as the siphoner begins placing kisses all over her face.

"You're back. You're actually back," Lizzie says in disbelief.

"Yeah, I am, Liz. I'm back," Hope replies.

Lizzie pulls Hope into a kiss, relishing in the feeling of the auburn haired girl's lips on hers. Hope kisses her back, running her fingers through soft blonde locks. Eventually, they are forced to break apart for air. They rest their foreheads together, catching their breath.

"I love you. Thank you for taking care of me," Hope says, breaking the silence.

"Of course. You made a pretty cute baby, but I'm so glad to have you back," Lizzie replies, gazing into Hope's ocean blue eyes lovingly, "Can we cuddle now?"

"Yes, we can cuddle now," Hope chuckles.

She lays down on the bed, and opens her arms for Lizzie. Lizzie lays beside her and cuddles into her, head resting on Hope's chest. The sound of the tribrid's heartbeat calms her, and soon, she is fast asleep in Hope's arms.

"I love you, Lizzie," Hope whispers.

The auburn haired tribrid watches as Lizzie sleeps, a soft smile across her face. Soon, however, Hope sub-comes to sleep herself. Both girls are happy that Hope is back to normal, well, as normal as she can be, that is: she is a tribrid, after all. 

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