Drunk Penelope Part 2 (Posie)

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Penelope reacts to the video. Tw: Brief vomiting Prompt by @dragonsreveng

Penelope groans as sunlight streams through the curtains. Her head is pounding and it feels like she was hit by a truck. She has no idea what happened last night. Josie, who has been awake for about half an hour, chuckles sympathetically and puts down her book.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Josie says.

"What the hell happened last night?" Penelope asks, sitting up in bed.

Instantly, she is overcome with a wave of nausea. She grabs the trashcan Josie placed by her bedside the night before, and empties the contents of her stomach into it. One finished, she collapses against the headboard.

"Poor baby. There's some medicine on your bedside table. Those should help," Josie soothes, brushing Penelope's dark locks out of her eyes.

Penelope grabs the pills and takes them, drinking some water to wash them down. She lays down and rests her aching head on Josie's chest. The brunette kisses her head lovingly.

"Do you want to hear what happened now?" Josie questions.

"Yes," Penelope replies, snuggling closer to her fiance.

"You hit on me and then cried when I told you I was taken," Josie explains, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"I did? Oh god. Please tell me Hope and Lizzie didn't see. I'll never hear the end of it," Penelope groans.

"Uh, they did see. They took a video, too," Josie tells her, failing miserably at keeping a straight face.

"Let me see," Penelope demands.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Josie replies.

"Yes. Please, Jojo," Penelope begs,

Josie sighs, but grabs her phone and pulls up the video. She hits play. Penelope's eyes widen as she watches her drunken self hit on her own fiance, and then proceed to cry. The witch's checks are bright red by the end of the video.

"I am never going to hear the end of this from your sister and Hope," Penelope groans, flopping dramatically onto the bed.

"Don't be embarrassed. It was cute," Josie shrugs.

"I hit on my own fiance and cried when she said she was taken. That's embarrassing," Penelope replies.

"I thought it was adorable," Josie says.

"You think naked mole rats are adorable," Penelope tells the siphoner.

"They are, and that video is the cutest thing ever! Even drunk, you still have game," Josie retorts.

"Yeah, I do got game. I got you, Josie Saltzman, didn't I," Penelope smiles.

"Yes, you did, Penelope, yes you did," Josie chuckles, leaning down and kissing Penelope softly before cuddling into her side, the witch's arm wrapped around her waist.

Penelope knows she will never escape the video, but she has the most amazing fiance. She kisses Josie's head, causing the other woman to smile, and lets it go. She has her Jojo in her life, and for Josie, she will endure endless teasing. Forever.

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