A Fluffy Stalker (Hizzie)

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Hope follows Lizzie in her wolf form and asks her out prompt by @Samantha6

Lizzie is walking in the woods, needing to get away from the hustle and bustle of the school for a while. She has the feeling that something, or someone, is following her, but shrugs it off. Little does she know that someone is following her, but the person is no threat. It's just Hope in her wolf form.

Hope has been trying to work up the courage to ask Lizzie out for a while, and when she saw Lizzie walk off alone into the woods, she figured now would be a good chance. Josie told the tribrid that Lizzie loves her wolf, so here Hope is, trotting after Lizzie in her wolf form, a sign between her teeth that reads: Will you go out with me, Lizzie?

Hope steps on a stick, and Lizzie whirls around, fear in her eyes. She sees the white wolf and sighs. Her heart still racing in her chest, she glares at Hope, not bothering to read the sign.

"Hope Mikaelson! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What one earth are you doing following me?" Lizzie asks angrily.

I'm sorry I scared you, Lizzie.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to. I want to know why you are stalking me though, and why you are carrying a piece of poster board" Lizzie frowns.

Read the board.

Lizzie continues to frown, but reads the board. A smile spreads across her face as she takes in the words. She's always had a huge crush on Hope, but thought the tribrid would never feel the same way. Hope drops the sign and goes behind a bush. The auburn haired girl shifts back to her human form, and casts a spell to cloth herself before returning to face Lizzie, who is still staring at the sign, smiling.

"Go out with me. I like you so much, Lizzie. I promise to treat you right. Please, go out with me," Hope begs, taking Lizzie's hands in hers.

Lizzie stares deep into Hope's ocean blue eyes, and nods. Hope cocks her head in confusion, wanting a verbal response.

"Yes, I'll go out with you," Lizzie giggles, throwing her arms around Hope.

Hope catches the blonde siphoner easily, and laughs in relief. She holds Lizzie close to her, inhaling the scent of the girl's vanilla perfume and peach shampoo. Lizzie kisses the top of Hope's head, loving the feeling of being in Hope's arms.

"You're still a stalker though. A fluffy one, at that," Lizzie chuckles.

"Just shut up and let me hold you," Hope humphs.

Lizzie laughs, but allows Hope to hold her. She has never felt more at peace than she does in the auburn haired tribrid's arms. After a while, they head back to the school and bid each other goodbye. Lizzie runs straight to her room and bursts in, nearly scaring Josie half to death.

"Hope asked me out! Hope asked me out!" She exclaims, bouncing on the balls of her feet like a toddler.

Josie doesn't get in a single word, because Lizzie begins to rant about how excited she is, and how much she likes Hope. The brunette smiles at the blonde and lets her rant, happy for her sister and friend. 

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