Firefighter/EMT AU (Posie)

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Penelope is a firefighter, and Josie, an EMT, gets called to the scene when Penelope gets hurt on the job. Prompt by @perezm805.

Josie and her sister and fellow EMT, Lizzie, are driving in their rig towards the address they have been given. They were told that a firefighter fell out of a tree while trying to rescue a cat. What they don't know, is that the firefighter is Josie's girlfriend, Penelope.

They arrive on the scene and get out of the ambulance. Hope, Penelope's fellow firefighter/Josie's best friend/Lizzie's girlfriend, comes rushing up to them, and Josie's heart drops. It has to be her girlfriend that is hurt.

"What happened? Where is she?" Josie asks, grabbing the medical bag.

"She was in the tree grabbing the cat, but then the branch the ladder was leaning against broke and she fell," Hope explains.

"Is the cat okay?" Lizzie asks.

"Lizzie!" Josie scolds.

"The cats fine, his owner took him back inside the house, but Penelope's not. She's by the tree," Hope explains, causing Josie to rush to Penelope's side.

"Hey Jojo," Penelope greets.

"Don't hey Jojo me. You fell out of a tree! A tree! What hurts, baby?" Josie asks, brushing Penelope's raven locks out of her hazel eyes.

"My right arm hurts, but my helmet protected my head," Penelope replies.

Josie gently removes Penelope's firefighter coat, revealing her right arm, which has a nasty scratch on it. Hands shaking, she opens the medical kit and grabs some disinfected and bandages.

"Josie, let me," Lizzie says, taking a seat besides the pair, "Your shaking"

"Okay, yeah," Josie agrees, handing Lizzie the medical supplies.

The brunette scoots to make room for her sister. She lifts Penelope's head and places it in her lap, causing the raven haired woman to smile lovingly up at her girlfriend. Penelope winces as Lizzie disinfects the gash.

"It's not deep enough for stitches. You got lucky it's not broken, just sprained, Satan," Lizzie tells Penelope.

"Yeah, yeah. Patch me up will you?" Penelope replies.

Lizzie nods, and bandages Penelope's wrist. She puts everything back into the kit and goes to talk to Hope, who is waiting by the firetruck.

"You are on desk work until that sprain heals," Josie says, helping Penelope sit up.

"But babe," Penelope protests as the pair stand up.

"No buts, Penelope Park," Josie replies.

"Fine. Hope and I should get back to the station. I'll see you at home later. Love you," Penelope agrees, kissing Josie briefly.

"I love you, too," Josie smiles.

"Hope! Say goodbye to the Queen of mean and let's go," Penelope calls, getting into the driver's seat of the truck.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Hope calls, kissing Lizzie goodbye and hopping into the passenger's seat.

Lizzie and Josie watch as their girlfriends drive off before hopping into their rig. They sit for a few minutes in comfortable silence. Another call comes over the radio, this one about an elderly man with chest pains, and they take off.

Josie knows Penelope will be fine, but she still can't help but worry about the raven haired woman. She has a a job to do though, so she manages to push the worry aside, knowing Hope will take care of Penelope and make sure she stays at the desk until she is better. So, as she drives off to save a life, she lets the worries fade away. Penelope will be okay, and Josie knows even after she is back in the field, she will always fight like hell to come home alive at the end of the day, and that thought comforts Josie greatly.

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