Marry Me (Hizzie)

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Hope is being secretive and Lizzie thinks Hope is cheating on her with Penelope.

Lizzie frowns as she sees Penelope and Hope huddled up together, talking in hushed voices. they glance up at the blonde and stop talking as Lizzie approaches.

"Hey baby," Hope greets, smiling at Lizzie.

"Hi Hope. What are you two talking about?" Lizzie asks.

"Just school work. How about we go take a walk? It's a nice day," Hope suggests.

"Sounds good. See you later, Satan," Lizzie agrees.

Hope takes Lizzie's hand in her and leads her outside. As they walk and talk, Lizzie feels her anxiety drift away, but she still can't shake the feeling that something is up with Hope, and that scares her.


"What do I do, Penelope? What if I mess it up?" Hope asks, running her hands worriedly through her auburn locks.

The pair are in Hope's room, discussing Hope's plans to propose to Lizzie. Hope is scared out of her mind.

"Mikaelson, even if you turn into a crying mess, she will say yes. She loves you," Penelope tells her friend.

"I don't know, Pen. What if she says no," Hope sighs.

"Here. How about we practice?" Penelope suggests.

"Okay, sounds good," Hope agrees.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Penelope urges, leaning back.

"Okay. You are the love of my life," Hope starts.

Little does she know, but Lizzie has just approached the door. All she heard was Hope's last sentence. The blonde immediately bursts into tears and runs off to her room.


Josie looks up as Lizzie enters and slams the door behind her. She rushes to Lizzie's side once she sees the tears falling down her checks. She wraps her twin in her arms and strokes her back.

"Just breathe, Liz. Just breathe," Josie soothes.

"She's cheating on me," Lizzie sobs.

"Are you sure? Hope loves you very much," Josie asks.

"Yes, I heard her," Lizzie cries, clinging to her sister.

"Oh Lizzie. I'm so sorry," Josie sighs.

Eventually, Josie is able to move Lizzie to her bed, and cuddles the blonde. Lizzie's sobs eventually quite down so she's just sniffling occasionally. The door creaks open to reveal Penelope and Hope, who's smile drops at the sight of her girlfriend.

"Mikaelson. If you don't get out of here right now, I swear to god I will set you on fire. How dare you cheat on my sister?" Josie growls, getting up and walking towards Hope.

"Josie, no. I didn't cheat. Oh god. Lizzie, baby I swear I didn't cheat," Hope promises.

"I heard you tell someone that you love them," Lizzie whispers, sitting up in bed.

"Oh no. Lizzie, she was talking to me, and I love your sister. We were just... Hope, you have to explain," Penelope says, shaking her head, "Jojo, Hope didn't cheat,"

"Okay, I believe you, Hope, because your my friend and I also know Penelope would never cheat on me. We'll give you some space. Come on, baby," Josie nods.

Her and Penelope leave the room. Hope kneels in front of Lizzie, and meets her eyes. The tribrid winces as she takes in Lizzie's puffy eyes, knowing the blonde has been crying.

"Lizzie, I am not cheating on you. You are the love of my life. Baby, I was practicing my proposal. Penelope offered to help me," Hope explains.

"You were going to propose to me?" Lizzie asks.

"Yes. I'm still trying to, actually," Hope smiles, pulling a ring out of her pocket.

Lizzie gasps as she takes in the ring. The band is rose gold and it has a princess cut diamond in the middle with two smaller ones on either side.

"Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman, you are the love of my life. You get me like no one else gets me. I know whenever I need something, I can count on you to be there for me. I love you, Lizzie, and I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Hope asks tearfully.

"Yes, yes you idiot. I'll marry you," Lizzie cries happily.

Hope grins, and slips the ring onto Lizzie's finger. Lizzie throws herself at Hope, who catches her easily, and kisses her. Hope kisses her back, her heart filled with joy. She said yes.. Lizzie actually said yes, and she's going to be her wife.

Hope picks her up in her arms, causing Lizzie to laugh, and lays her down on her bed before kissing her soundly. Lizzie tangles her fingers through long auburn locks, her heart filled with love for the tribrid, her fiance. The blonde's love and trust in Hope has only grown today, and will continue to grow, because they're going to get married, and neither girl can wait.

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