Sick (Posie)

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Josie is sick and Penelope cares for her.

Penelope gets a text from Lizzie just as she is finishing brushing her teeth: Josie is sick and is asking for you. Get your butt over here, Satan.

Penelope rushes to put her shoes on, and heads to the Saltzman twin's room. She knocks, and Lizzie opens the door. The blonde points to Josie, who is curled up under the blankets, before leaving for breakfast, shutting the door behind.

Penelope approaches the bed and sits on it. She reaches out and pulls the blanket down slightly so she can see her girlfriend's face. Josie is wearing a pout, and is sniffling. It's obvious the girl has a bad cold.

"Oh baby," Penelope coos, "How can I help you?"

"Cuddle me," Josie pouts.

"Okay, I will, but first I'm going to go grab you some medicine. I'll be right back," Penelope promises, kissing Josie's head.

Penelope leaves and goes to Alaric's office, where a stash of medicine is kept for the students. She knocks on the door.

"Come in," Alaric calls.

"Hi Dr. Saltzman. Can I grab some cold meds for Josie?" Penelope asks.

"Wait, Josie? Is she okay?" Alaric replies.

"She will be. Just a nasty cold. I got her, I promise," Penelope assures the man.

"Okay, good. Here," Alaric nods, grabbing a box of cold medicine and tossing them to the witch.

"Thanks. I need to get back to Josie," Penelope says, leaving the office.

Penelope heads back to Josie's room, where she finds Josie crying. She immediately rushes to her side and pulls the brunette into her arms. The witch whispers soothing words into her ear, kissing her head over and over.

"What's wrong, baby? What hurts?" Penelope asks once Josie has calmed down enough to speak.

"I just don't feel good," Josie whimpers.

"I know, honey, I know. I got you some medicine, though," Penelope says.

Penelope grabs Josie's water bottle form her bedside table and hands it to Josie. She pops a pill out of the foil packaging and gives it to Josie. Josie swallows the pill, chasing it with water. Penelope takes the water bottle from her and puts it aside.

"How about we lay down and cuddle, love," Penelope suggests.

Josie nods, so Penelope lays down and pats the space beside her. Josie lays down and snuggles into Penelope's side. The raven haired witch wraps her arms around Josie, guiding the siphoner's  head to rest on her chest. Josie sighs contentedly, immediately feeling better once she is in her girlfriend's arms.

"Are you feeling a bit better, Jojo," Penelope asks.

"Yeah. Being in your arms always makes me feel better," Josie nods.

Penelope smiles, kissing Josie's head. Josie snuggles into Penelope further. She yawns, the cold medicine making her sleepy. The raven haired witch watches, her hazel eyes filled with love, as Josie's eyelids drift shut and she falls asleep. Penelope pulls a blanket over them, and lets Josie sleep.


For the next few days, Penelope skips all her classes with the permission of Dr. Saltzman to care for Josie. Josie slowly, but surely improves, and by the time the weekend arrives, she is back to her normal, healthy self. As she smiles at Penelope and leans in to kiss her, Penelope knows that she will always be there to take care of Josie when she's sick. Always. Because that's what you do for the person you love, and Penelope loves Josie Saltzman with all of her heart, and she always will.

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