Chapter 3

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Your nap lasted longer then you expected, but was disturbed earlier then what you wanted. You rubbed your eyes, groaning as you saw Bennett smiling at you. You perked, spinning around, "Hey!" He greeted, "Barbara said I should meet you, but she never explained why.." He said, scratching his head. "Oh! I'm Y/N." You smiled, "I'm the one who found you out by Windrise." Bennett perked, "Haha! Did you like my charged attack?" He asked. You blinked, confused as to why he was acting like he didn't knock himself out with the mentioned charged attack, "I only caught the end of it before you launched back and ended up unconscious..." You said. "Oh, I'm used to that happening! Though, I never usually knock myself out when I do it." He laughed it off, as if it was nothing. "Doesn't that become an issue in battle? You leave a big open spot to be attacked.." You stated, genuinely concerned if the boy should even be turned loose on his own. "Nope! Cause I'm faster then most of my enemies. So, I only have my bad luck to dodge!" Bennett said, a bright smile on his face. You just shook your head, trying to process everything about Bennett. "Do you have a team?" You asked, curious if he was alone or not. Bennett rubbed the back of his head, looking away from you, "Uhh.. Yeah! But most of them are on vacation right now..!" The boy spoke. With strong hesitation, you finally spoke up, "...Would you like me to go with you for now? At least until your team returns." You asked, no clue what you were thinking. Bennett's eyes lit up, "Really?! You'd join my team?!" He jumped up and down. You gave him a slight smile and a nod. What am I getting myself into? was your only thought in that moment. "Thank you so much, Y/N!" Bennett smiled and hugged you. The hug caught you off guard as you hesitantly hugged back. "So, Bennett, why don't you rest? I have a few other thi-" Bennett cut you off, "Nope! No need for me to rest!" The boy proudly stood, "Let's prepare for our next adventure!" He rushed out of the cathedral. You stood, completely confused. You snapped back to reality, chasing after the white haired boy quickly. You were hoping he wouldn't injure himself. Even if you barely knew anything about Bennett, you didn't want to save him a second time. Bennett was already deep into the city, and you had lost sight of him. You panicked, looking around carefully when you spotted him running down the stairs to the restaurant known as "Good Hunter". Your feet took off, bolting after him.

🧡🔥Melting Hearts🔥🧡 (Bennett x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now