Chapter 7

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You walked to your house, nervously clutching your pouch as you knocked on the door. You looked to Bennett, "Apologies in advance for anything.." You said, moving your bangs out of your eyes. Bennett stood confused, but also worried. You watched the wooden door that looked like so many others in Mondstadt, slowly open. The house blended in with the others on the square, it was quaint, but it wasn't somewhere you wanted to live. You wanted a nice place in the forest somewhere, obviously free of danger, so you could just disconnect from city life and be yourself.

Your grandmother smiled, "Hey, sweetheart. How was your adventure today with your partner?" She asked. You had told her you had a partner, just didn't tell her who. "It was nice, thank you, Grandma." You smiled, nervously grabbing your upper arm, looking down at you feet as you shuffled them, "I brought him with me, actually." You looked up and nervously smiled to your grandmother.

Bennett came from around the corner, waving, "Hi!" He smiled brightly. Your grandmother, named Cathleen, glared at you after seeing Bennett, "You are partners with him?!" She snapped harshly. Your heart sank in your chest, "Grandma, I know you don't approve of him, but he's nice! Besides, he saved me.." You looked to Bennett. Cathleen's eyes softened, sighing, "Come on in.. I'll make you both something before I head out into the town." You both nodded, walking in.

"Such a beautiful place you live in, Y/N!" Bennett beamed. You giggled, happy that he enjoyed the inside. You put your pouch on the hook next to the door, taking your loot out of it. Bennett perked, "You still have the berries?" He asked. You nodded, "Of course I do! I make jam with them all the time."

Bennett's eyes lit up, "Can you make some for me? Please!" He begged, he stood in his excited stance. You blushed, not expecting him to be so willing to try something. "Sure! But why are you so eager?" Bennett chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, "I've never had homemade jam before, and I always smell your cooking when I walk past Good Hunter and you are borrowing the oven. I'm curious of how your jam tastes!" He smiled.

You blushed at his excitement, "W-well.. What flavor do you want? I have ingredie-" Bennett cut you off, "Berry jam!" He yelled. You laughed and nodded, grabbing some sweet flower on your way past the little indoor greenhouse you grew some in. Bennett trailed behind you like a lost puppy dog. You chuckled at him, carrying everything into the kitchen. You sat it in the water bucket so it would get dirt off of it.

You walked to the stove, adjusting the logs below it. Bennett walked over, "Let me light it!" He said. Your eyes widened, "Benn-" it was too late. The stove was in flames. Your eyes widened, shoving Bennett out of the way as you used your cyro vision to kill the flames. You sighed of relief, glad to see the fire didn't affect anything nor did Grandma see.

Bennett sighed, "I'm sorry.." You smiled, "Instead of your setting the whole sword on fire, why not just use the tip?" You suggested. Bennett perked, "Good idea!" And he did just that, setting the logs on fire. You hugged him, "Thank you!" Bennett blushed, hugging back, "You're welcome, Y/N." He smiled.

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