Chapter 8

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You released each other, rinsing the berries off. Once they were rinsed, you mashed the berries and put them in the pot. You crushed up the sweet flower, adding it to the mixture of berries and water. Bennett kept his nose above the pot, his mouth watering at the delicious scent of your homemade jam.

You giggled, looking to him, "You might wanna back up." You said, "If the sugar becomes too hot it could catch on fire." You warned, mixing the ingredients together with a wooden spoon. "What do you put this jam on?" Bennett asked. You looked at him and smiled, "Sticky Honey Roast!" Bennett's eyes sparkled, "I want that too!"

"Well, now we have to go shopping for a ham!" You giggled. Bennett stood confused, "Don't you use just regular raw meat slices..?" He asked. You beamed, "That's to get Sticky Honey Roast slices!" You said, finishing up the jam. You labeled the jar, and left them to cool.

"Do you want to get it fresh, or just buy it?" Bennett asked. You began to think, "Hm.." You debated with yourself, even if fresher tasted better, Good Hunter and the shop in Mondstadt usually have fresh supplies. "Let's just go to Good Hunter and get one. I don't feel like hunting a boar down at the moment." You said, walking to the door and reaching your hand into your pouch, checking how much mora you had.

"I should have enough for a ham." You said, shaking the mora in your pouch. Bennett smiled, already at the door. "Let's go then!" You giggled, walking over to the door and out, Bennett trailing behind you. The two of you headed to Good Hunter, holding hands as you joked with each other, laughing at all the accidents that would happen.

Bennett released your hand from excitement as he pointed to Good Hunter, "Y/N! Y/N! Look!" He chirped. You laughed, finding his excitement adorable. "I see, I see! Let's go and get that ham!" You quickened your pace to a run, running over to the counter with Bennett still trailing you.

You walked over to Sara, "Hey, Sara! Got any ham?" You asked. She smiled, "Sure do! Would you like one?" She questioned. You nodded, "Yeah! The best one you got!" You said. Sara smiled and nodded, bending down and grabbing a decent sized ham. You perked, "Woah.. How much?" You said, pulling your pouch to the front of you. Sara smiled, "Six-hundred and fifty mora, please." She held out her hand.

You nodded and counted the mora, putting exactly what she asked in her hand. Once Sara made sure you gave her the right amount, she pushed the ham towards you. You beamed and lifted it off of the counter, beginning towards the house. Bennett worriedly looked at you, "Let me carry it!" He said.

You looked to him, "It's fine, Bennett, I got this." You reassured. Bennett slowly nodded, trusting you. You carried the ham to your house, Bennett opening the door for you. You smiled and nodded to him, "Thanks!" You walked in, smelling Fisherman's toast. Seems as if grandma really did make you something before she headed out.
Author's note: Apologies for the slow progression, and short chapter!

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