Chapter 17

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As you leaned against the railing at Wangshu Inn, the Yaksha, Xiao, came walking over, "Y/N, you never told me you were coming." Xiao stated, his arms crossed. You looked to him, standing up straight, "I wasn't aware that you'd be here. Plus, I brought my friends, so I didn't think you'd want to see me."

Xiao huffed, "Just to check on you is all I wanted." His tone more stern and fatherly. You smiled to yourself. Xiao had practically adopted you. "Well, I'm alive, and doing quite well. I intended on heading into Liyue to find Xingqiu if you want to tag along."

"I will stay here. Away from the mortals." Xiao said, a hand on his hip now. You shrugged, "Okay, that's fine! I'll be sure to visit you before we head out to adventure." Xiao nodded, then disappeared. You sighed and headed back to your room.

You pulled the blankets up on Bennett as you walked by before laying down in your bed, snuggling into the sheets. You laid there for a bit before actually falling asleep.

The Next Morning

You slowly opened you eyes as the sun peaked through the windows. You groaned and stretched, slowly pulling the covers away. You sat up, looking over to Bennett's bed to see if he was still asleep, and sure enough he was. You smiled to yourself and stood.

You stretched, fixed your hair, and fixed up the bags. You set them by the door, then walked out to go check on Chongyun and Razor. You walked down the hall alittle ways before knocking on the door. It was a few seconds of silence before Chongyun opened the door.

"Good Morning, Y/N!" Chongyun said. You smiled, "Morning, Chongyun, how did you sleep?" You asked. Chongyun put a hand behind his neck, smiling nervously, "As best as I could with Razor's snoring." You laughed nervously, "I should've warned you about that.. I apologize."

Chongyun shrugged, "It's quite alright. I just finished packing, and I helped Razor pack his stuff. We're ready to leave whenever you are." You nodded, "Alright! I'll go wake up Bennett then. We need to leave soon so we can get there by lunch." Chongyun nodded, waiting for you to start walking off before shutting the door.

You walked down the hall back to yours and Bennett's room. You walked over to him and gently shook him, "Bennett, wake up, we have to get going soon." You softly said. Bennett groaned and rolled over.

You sighed and sat down next to him, shaking him alittle harder this time, "Bennett. Wake up." Bennett sighed and sleepily groaned, "Okay.. Okay.." You smiled and stood up, Bennett rubbed his eyes and sat up.

Bennett fixed his hair as you put your bags on your back. Bennett walked over and did the same, then both of you went to Chongyun and Razor's room. Bennett knocked, Razor answered, Bennett got tackled. You laughed, "Are you okay?" You asked Bennett. Bennett laughed and nodded, standing up and helping Razor stand up.

The three of you headed inside the room. Chongyun put his bag on his back, and you helped Razor with his bags. Poor Razor was struggling to keep his hair from going under his bag, so you quickly braided his hair. He, of course, protested about his hair being touched. You simply shook your head and gave his bag back.

You and your group got everything adjusted, and everyone prepared. You walked to the kitchen, the boys following. You swiftly made breakfast, serving it to the boys. They all quickly sat down, waiting for you to join them to eat. "Razor likes food!" Razor exclaimed, you laughed. Chongyun nodded, "I have to say, I agree. This food is delicious!" Bennett was stuffing his face an nodding in agreement.

You grinned, "Thank you guys. I'm glad you all enjoy the food." You eat with the group, beginning to think of what comes next.


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in... a long while. I finally started back to school, moved, gotten new animals, and focused on my life for a bit. I'm hoping to produce more chapters, but for now this is a leisurely writing book. :)

If you guys have any ideas, please let me know because I completely lost my notes for this book. I intend on giving. You guys 20-25 chapters.

Have an amazing day!

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