Gone - Kirisame Marisa

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Warnings ! ☆
- mentions of blood
- character death (angst)
- Yandere! Marisa da☆ze

You brought your shaky legs as you forced yourself to run, in the intimidating dark forest. The bare moonlight being your only source made it harder than it is. You couldn't believe what you just saw, you wanted to believe everything is a nightmare, but it just doesn't leave your mind

Marisa... killed Alice.

Tears dripped from your eyes, your hand covering your mouth to refrain your sobs. You could still hear her painful scream, begging for her life.

Reminiscense :

You carried the books, Alice told you to get from Scarlet Devil mansion. It took you long hours because of walking, you don't have any powers to fly. And Patchouli mistaken you for Marisa, almost hitting you with her laser bullet. You gave her a letter, saying Alice wants to learn healing magic, in which she agreed, as long as it's not Marisa.

You talked with her for a while, having a great bonding time before you leave since the sky is starting to get dark. You bid them goodbye, politely declining Sakuya's request to walk with you since Remilia called her.

As you brought yourself to run, stopping to catch some air and returning to running again. A large amount of energy was taken from you traveling from Scarlet devil residence to the entrance of forest magic. You were sleepy, and just want to lay on your bed when you heard explosions nearby. You already knew someone is having a fight, but the sounds are louder compared to most fights you hear. Trees were burning in the distance, and you already knew it's not time to intervene because you might die out of lacking ability.

What creeped you out is that the environment was destroyed. As if they're fighting, seriously. Not on danmanku style. That's when realization hits you. No spell cards are used, it's a death to death match.

You gulped nervously, knowing they're fighting in the sky so you continued running to Alice's house. You hope she's home, safe and well. The more you come closer, the more shivers creeping up your spine. Your eyes widened when a burning tree collapsed on your side, barely hitting you.

That's when it struck you. The battle stopped abruptly. No longer explosions, and the sky went darker and darker. Your chest was thumping loudly, cold sweat dripping your back as you stared in horror meters away from you.

Alice's body fell to the ground, hard. You could hear bones cracking from the impact, and blood was everywhere. You dropped the books, tears streaming down your face as you heard her scream in utter pain. You were about move your legs towards her when a strong gush of wind went past trough you.

You saw Marisa getting off her broom, with a butcher knife on her hand. She smiled wildly, jumping on Alice as stabbed her arm. You heard the poor youkai beg for her life but continues gushy sounds of blood echoed trough your ears.

"How dare you, planning to confess on my lovely Y/n like that?" You heard her psychotic laugh, adding more horror to your face.

You had no choice but to run, since letting Marisa see you will make you do what she wants.

End of Reminiscence

Every part of your body already hurts. Your lungs suffering from all these smokes from trees, legs weakening due to running all the time. But most of all, you heart hurts the most.

Alice was planning to confess to you, but unfortunately hadn't got the chance. It made you cry to the point you want to collapse right where you are and cry everything out.

You feared Marisa might know you were there, and with one gush of her broom, she'll caught you anytime.

You eventually reached the end of the forest, but you didn't stopped there even though your body are begging for you to stop. You wheeze, trying to gain air from your lungs. You weakly ran away, forcing your body as it gets slower and slower every steps you take. Alice's kind words played on your mind

But another voice interrupted. This time, more tears came out of your eyes as you tried to run away, screaming for help.

"Y/n, running won't do anything~" Marisa laughed psychotically, walking casually until she managed to grab your arm. That's when your body gave up, collapsing on the ground as a quiet sob escaped your lips. You gripped your hair out of frustration and anger.

Alice is dead. You can't undo it.

You didn't even told her you love her so much.

"Let me go!" You screamed, yanking her away in response as she hugged you tightly. But she didn't even budge a muscle. You gave up, closing your eyes and imagining the girl in front of you is Alice, not this monster.

'Its alright Y/n, cry more... hiding your emotions is bad'

Is what Alice would say if she was the one comforting you, you heard her voice to to your mind, warm pool of tears flowing down your cheeks. In your dismay, Marisa went to wipe it using her cold hands which still have Alice's blood. It made you angry to the point you slapped her face.

Regret soon came over as she stared at you, smile changed into frown and eyes lost its lightness and gentleness. She gripped your hair, kneeling you in the face before tossing you on the ground. Your eyes widened as you stared at the blood in front of you, your nose in excruciating pain, which have blood dripping from it. She took heavy steps towards you, causing your expression to change in horror as you felt your heart pounding loudly out of your chest. Your confidence completely disappeared and changed into excruciating fear.

"I'm sorry... please.." you begged, already knowing you've been ignored when she gripped the hem of your shirt and dragged you in front of her broom.
She placed a butcher knife she used to kill Alice on your throat, threatening to slice it if you speak. "One more noise and you'll lose a head. I've been gentle to you but you had the audacity to slap me away like that"

You sat on her broom, as she ordered, resisting to make a sound by biting your lips. The tears made your vision blurry, and the plan to jump for your death greeted your mind but she knew it. That's why she made you sat in the front so she can confine you, making you unable to move.

"I love you, Y/n. I know you're mad at me but soon you'll realized I did all of this for us" she said before she drift away in outside world. Just like what Sumireko, the psychic ordered her to do


Hi! Mizu here! so... how scary Marisa is? Were you scared enough by her?

Are you sad about Alice's death? Let me know !

Total words : 1169

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