Retaliated Outsider - Komeiji Koishi

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Warnings :
- gore
- bullying and beating
- light sexual content (only through speaking)
- extreme stalking
- Suicide

Koishi isn't actually a yandere here, but she is rather a manipulator.

And if you want to skip reading the story, scroll to the end and read the summary instead.

Read at your own risk. You have been warned.

"Hey? Have you heard? About Mary-chan"

"Huh? What about this girl?"

"Go to the telephone stand at 2:00 am, then call this number. Once a girl answered, tell her your wish. She will grant it"


"Let's try to do that tonight-"

Both of the girls talking about this urban legend got cut off as teacher entered the classroom. You were eavesdropping, and you were kind of interested and creeped out at the same time.

"Tsk, I really hate this teacher, ya know?"

"Same.. oh wait, why won't we try wishing for this Mary?"

"Nice idea, that's what I will wish later"

You were having a bad feeling, you know most of urban legends, but this was kind of different. Perhaps it was new, or it's real? You don't really know. But you're curious. Your best friend is currently absent, but you were curious if she know about this matter.

They have a swirly blond hair, waist length, but the other has a short black hair. You wanted to stalk them until they go to that telephone, curiosity is now taking over you.

It was all until the strict teacher glared at the both, catching your attention as your breath hitched. You were afraid with this rotten teacher, and you also kinda wanted him dead.


The time skipped into afternoon, the students having their own way to lunch. You pursed your lips, silently following the two girls, eyes not taking from them, listening to their conversation.

"What will you wish? Let's make our scripts now, hahaha"

"Well... if that legend is true, I'll just wish for that teacher to get rotten to death. Ah~ I'm exited to meet Mary-chan"

"Hey you, what would you wish..?"

"E-eh? Uh.... for my crush to..." the short haired girl blushed shades of red

"Ooh, for that? How many times have you touched yourself? Hahaha you're too thirsty for him"

"I-it's not like that!"

"Whatever, hahaha"

The two girls went in the cafeteria, ordering their own food, the topic they just had was kind of disgusting, but you brushed it off as you sat on one of the tables near them. You ordered your favorite food, not bothering to look at them as you focused on their conversation.

The lunch was over, unfortunately, you haven't picked anything important about this Mary girl.

To be honest with yourself, you find it creepy to just suddenly stalk a random stranger just because you found something interesting that your mind can't let it go. You even heard their secrets because of your stalking abilities.

Yandere! Touhou x Female! Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now