Erase - Izayoi Sakuya

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- Gore
- Mentions of blood
- Yandere!Sakuya- da 🔪🔪🔪

Read at your own risk.


You were a normal teenage girl in the village, helping your parents with their work. You do the most common thing to live and survive, which is farming. Well, the life here were strict, all girls should have husband when the age of consent, and of course, having children and doing home chores is the sole purpose of females in the human village. You could also be the one to sell if you have business.

"Nobara-chan! Nice seeing you here!" You called your best friend, Aiko Nobara who also waved back at you as if you haven't seen her in months. The brown haired girl ran towards you, clinging to your arm as she lead you, running. You freaked out, barely able to catch up with her as you felt your arm being separated on your body. Your other hand holds the baskets of fruits you got form the farm tightly. You grinned awkwardly as she pointed the familiar male buying goods in your store.

"Oh my, isn't that him?" She smirked, teasing you as multiple layers of blush crept upon your cheeks. You couldn't imagine it, because he, your crush is literally buying in your family store.

"Come on, just do it!" She pushed you, making you almost fall. She's so desperate for you and your crush to end up, since both of you feared that your parents might put you in arrange marriage, which you obviously dislike.

You sighed, walking past your crush with a smile on your face, handing your mother the basket of fruits she asked you to get. She patted your head, ordering you to be the one selling instead. Your confidence, gone. You blushed, turning to look at the male who seems unbothered picking up vegetable and fruits. You inhaled deeply, trying to make the pink tints in your cheeks disappear by biting the insides of your mouth.

"Miss, I would like to have these ones" he spoke, looking at you directly in the eyes as he put the crops near you. You nodded, smiling brightly as you could before picking up the things and putting it on a fresh reusable basket. You told him the price, and he handed it with ease. Your hand got contact with his warm ones, causing you to blush again.

"T-thank you for buying! I hope you buy again here" you lost your self consciousness, bowing at him
"Hahaha welcome! I'll be sure to buy again" he laughed, turning away to return where he came from. You looked at him, watching as he drift away from the crowd.

"Miss, I would also like to have this one" you snapped from reality when a cold, unbothered female voice spoke. You turned at her, only for your eyes to widen. It's the maid from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Izayoi Sakuya.
"Y-yes" you pick up the red colored fruits from her hands. You were having a random thoughts while putting the crops in the bag, almost having mistake. After she handed you the price, you thanked her for choosing your shop. She didn't said anything else but left.

You were weirded out, why would she go to a place wherein many people are scared to her? Yes, you are also scared for your life. She probably chose your shop because people were avoiding her.

You sighed in relief, before your best friend bugged you. She was looking everywhere, probably for that maid you just saw. The atmosphere earlier was too awkward for you to handle.
"Yes? Nobara-chan?"

"Y/n, there's something weird about her..."

"What do you mean?" You spoke in confusion, but she froze when she made eye contact from the maid watching few blocks away, her cold piercing blue eyes caused nervousness to erupt your best friend. "I think.. she's planning something bad" she quickly turned away, hoping she hadn't seen her looking this way.

"Oh... but I think it's alright, it was her first time buying here, so of course she got to look around" you spoke.



Weeks has passed and everything seems normal, and you felt in clouds since your crush started buying to your store more often. He even asked for your name, and most importantly, he seems to know you like him. Probably just your imagination, but you'll never know what to do if he knows your secret.

But one thing you never knew, the maid is actually guarding your relationship with your crush. Just after he leave, she appears to buy. Leaving you no time to wonder. It made you think, perhaps they have the same guy to like on? Probably not. She will have excuses that she left the money in the mansion if your parents are the one selling.

Nobara was the only one who saw something strange. Between the maid, to you. But it bothers her to the point she doubt it if she tries to speak to you about it. So, she kept her mouth shut.


After months, and months, your crush suddenly stopped buying at your store. It was a sudden halt, leaving without a trace and never appeared again. You wanted to visit his house, since weeks before both of you were talking happily, no problems or anything strange. But the day before, he's very hesitant. And fear was in his eyes.

You pursed your lips, sighing heavily as your shoulders dropped. Your best friend patted your back in reassuring tone, whispering in your ear
"Let's visit him together, later" she spoke

Your eyes widened, blush tinting your cheeks as you nodded. Then, time passed by, serving the costumers while waiting for the time to be evening, wherein no costumers will be present anymore. You waited for midnight, so that no one will awake anymore. You snuck into your bedroom, having no time to fix yourself as your concern deepened. Nobara waited patiently smile not visible in her face anymore. You nodded as you went out, determination in your eyes. You know he's in a situation you don't want to be with.

You held hands throughout the whole journey, his house is in the farthest corner of human village. After it is the way leading to the youkai forest. You gulped as the atmosphere changed, same as Nobara who seemed afraid.
"Let's go" she gripped your hand tightly in a comforting way, walking towards his door to knock.

No one answered.

You knocked again, still.

No one answered.

You grunted, your hand subconsciously opening the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Your eyes widened, sweat dripping your forehead as you pushed the door open, only for your nightmare to wash you.

Blood was scattered everywhere.

Nobara gritted her teeth, turning the lights on and running straight to one of the rooms which is also unlocked. Then, another room, and another.

She found his body.

Extreme deep cuts was all over his body, neck was mercilessly snapped, and his right leg and hand are missing. His eyeballs are missing, and mouth was slashed open. His gut is severely opened, you could see the organs hanging on the ground with fresh blood dripping from it.

You fell on your knees, tears streaming down your widened eyes as your mouth quivered. Nobara froze in her spot, unable to move a muscle at the horror she saw. Both of you were breathing heavily, bodies shaking from the nightmare you just saw.

The murder seems fresh, as if it happened an hour just before you went here.

The next thing you knew is, you found yourself screaming, both in pain, sadness, grief and anger. You covered your face, tightening your hold. Nobara ran towards your side, hugging you so that you will no longer see the merciless murder. Tears dropped in her face as she rubbed your back in soothing manner.

It was all until someone snickered, cutting the both of you off. You turned to look behind you, anger flashing in your eyes. Until it was changed by surprise and horror.

It was..


Sakuya Izayoi


Total words : 1,368

Part two is in the next chapter

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