Livestream - Morichika Rinnosuke

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TRIGGER warning:
~ EXTREME Stalking
~ Blackmailing
~ mentions of sexual content
~ Mentions of panic attack
~ kidnapping


This chapter contains content that may be distressing and triggering to some readers. Please practice discretion. This content contains mentions of rape and blackmail.

Please don't let this chapter change your image of the said man.

Please leave if uncomfortable.


"We're finally here, guys!" you exclaimed as you opened the door and entered the room, bringing your phone with you and showing thousands of your viewers the beautiful pink room. You and your family will be staying for a week as part of your vacation. "It's beautiful, right?" you asked, initiating a hundred 'yeses' from the chat.

"Let's go!" you exclaimed.

The room features light pink walls, a luxurious glass table, and a large pink sofa with a large rabbit stuff toy. "This is so big!" you exclaimed as you showed it to the audience.

As you opened another door, you saw two king-sized beds, with the walls ranging in color from pink to peach and the blankets folded neatly. It's so aesthetic.

"Hey chat, what do you think?" You asked, turning your phone around in 360. Many of the responses said they wished they had a room like that.

"Y/n, are your sisters near now?" Your mother asked from the other side while putting the luggage bag in. "Oh-I forgot. Wait, let me check." You muttered as you opened the location they shared. The car was almost one block away.

"They're here now." You yelled out, going back to the livestream. "I'll come back later, guys! I'll have something important to do first."

The chat responded with saddening comments. It made you feel a little guilty when you realized, "But hey chat, don't worry! I'm actually going to upload another dance cover." The chat immediately exploded with visible excitement.

It lifted your mood, greeting them goodbye one last time before ending the livestream. Your sisters had arrived shortly after it had ended.

You're a well-known livestreamer with over a million social media followers. As a result, you made a lot of celebrity friends. You also made a name for yourself as a dancer. The fame was unexpected, but you enjoyed it.

You walked out of the bedroom, dropped your phone on the bed, and scanned the area. It looks like a mansion for rich people.

You went upstairs and opened the remaining doors, where you discovered a dance studio and another bedroom with bathrooms

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You went upstairs and opened the remaining doors, where you discovered a dance studio and another bedroom with bathrooms.

"Can you get the food for me, Y/n?" one of your sisters inquired. You nodded and began preparing your black trench coat before walking out.

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