Internal Fate - Hakurei Reimu

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- Gore
- Mentions of Blood
- Yandere Reimu

"Nice meeting you here again, Y/n! " You smiled warmly at your friend, who greeted you warmly. It's currently spring, and you've been visiting the shrine ever since Reimu had saved you from being eaten by a youkai. It's been months or so, to the point where it just looks like a reminiscence.

Reimu continued grooming her garden, cutting extra layers of grass out as the cherry blossoms bloomed. It was scattered in the area, but watching it felt better.

Damn these cherry blossoms always scatter! " Reimu ranted, about to pick up her broom when she heard your soft laugh. She stopped, looking at you.

"Want me to help you?" You complied. She had no choice but to say yes, since she was tired of doing so. She handed you the broom and the dustpan, and you started to sweep.

Watching the petals fly when they hit the soft brook reminded you of when you were a child, but it didn't cause you to shiver and cower in fear anymore, since you'd accepted it long ago. You continue to clean the area with a warm smile on your face.

Unbeknownst to you, Reimu was watching every move you made, gripping the sliding door tightly as she flashed a lusty look behind your back.

After you were finished, you put the broom and the dustpan away, crouching to admire the flowers Reimu had planted.

"That was quite fast," she complimented you, bringing snacks and sitting beside you. She also made black tea, enough to revive you from your tiredness. You laughed, shrugging it off.

Reimu pointed out each flower and named them, and both of you shared time together. Until eventually, the sky turned dark. It's time for you to go home.

Just as you walked out of the shrine after bringing your things, you didn't forget to put the money you brought into the donation box. It was the same amount as last time; you got enough coins for your friend.

Reimu's eyes widened, and she bent to thank you. You don't know how much this helps her reputation as a shrine maiden. Donations are much more important for the shrine maiden than anything else, since it is an offering to the god.

You just wanted to help the poor shrine maiden. It isn't higher nor lower, just an equal price. That's that.

Both of you got cut off by a swoosh of the wind, turning behind only to see a girl in a black dress. Judging by her hat and broom, she is indeed a witch, "Yo Reimu! Who's this beautiful girl, huh? " While walking closer to where you stand, the witch spoke.

You blushed at her compliment, looking away, "W-well, I'm not really that beautiful," you spoke. Reimu, on the other hand, looks like she doesn't like what Marisa said to you. She restrained herself from glaring at her and slapping her away from you, "Marisa, what are you even doing here? Anyways, this is Y/N. "

"I'm Marisa. Sure, that sounds like a lame name! " She grinned as she closed her eyes. This time, you knew she had a straight-forward personality. You were actually offended, but you kept yourself from showing it.

That's it. Reimu had enough. She invited Marisa inside, but because you weren't included, you just stayed outside. But you could hear their arguments.

Yandere! Touhou x Female! Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now