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"who is that weirdo?"

"is she trying to steal the attention of the professor so she could have him?! what a bitch"

"do they know each other?"

questions about you and gojo filled the classroom. making you and gojo anxious.

"excuse me? is there any problem?" gojo– professor gojo asks you.

gojo was truly shocked as you are but he immediately brushed it off and remained professional in front of his students.

"oh– i forgot my keys in the girl's restroom.. uh.. may i? it's really important to me–" you thought of a reason to avoid suspicion or doubt from the students. you scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment to make it more real. this is so stupid.

"go." gojo motioned his fingers for you to leave the room and get your keys.

you awkwardly wobbled your way towards the door, trying to avoid everyone's eyes especially the professor.

there's nooo way in hell this is real.

you pinched yourself as hard as you can, wishing that you would wake up from this horrible dream but all you got was a red spot.

"fuck." you whisper to yourself.

once you got in the bathroom, you stayed there for a while to make it believable that you're 'finding' your key.

"i need to talk to toji.. argh" you opened your instagram and put his name on the search bar.

there are fucking fan accounts of that dick toji?! how can someone be a fan of him?? they must be out of their minds.

you just ignored the fan accounts and tapped on the first account.

this looks like a real account, right? uhh..

"fuck it. if this is some pedo and not toji, i swear to god." you tapped on the message icon. your palms are getting sweaty from anxiety.

oi, i didn't know gojo fucking
teaches at universities?!?
sent 8:16 am

you put your phone back in your pocket for a minute to rethink your decisions you made in your life.


you immediately opened your phone and saw a new message. wow this fucker's up early.

why are you messaging so early?
i just got home. kinda drunk but
i feel great.

he's my fucking professor!
and i didn't know people like
him can be a professor.

yeah, he's kinda lame.
don't know what you saw
in him

wow, you really are a dick. 🤡

and i have a dick.
wanna try? free trial

you're hopeless.

h-hey! i'm just joking!
seen 8:20 am

hey baby :((
seen 8:21 am

why do you stutter while
texting? 😫
let's meet up later, yeah?

you closed your phone before he toji could reply back.

what will happen to me and gojo now? argh, fuck. i should get back to the room now. people might suspect me of cutting classes.

you walked out of the restroom to get back but you were greeted by professor gojo. he pulled you in an empty room.


"shhh.. my assistant teacher's handling the class right now. i need to talk to you"

"we might get caught here!"

gojo shakes his head and opens the light. "this is my own office," he chuckles "i'm lucky enough to have my own office"

"you're the teachers' favorite" you poke his chest to tease him in a joking way.

"yeah.." gojo sits down on his chair, ignoring the poke and leaving you where you're standing.

"are you okay?" you sat on the chair in front of him and put your hand on his thigh to comfort him but he grabbed your hand.

"i'm sorry. i just really didn't expect you to become my student" gojo slouched back on his chair

"it's okay.. it's not like it'll affect our relationship, right?"

gojo bites his lip and played with the pen on his table to avoiding your question.

"r-right? gojo?" you were starting to feel nervous.

where will this take us?

"i-i honestly don't know anymore.."

"huh? what do you mean?"

"i can't date my student, (y/n). it'll affect my job and reputation a lot." gojo sighs while he's trying to avoiding your eyes.

"so you're just gonna throw away everything? why is it so easy for you to throw it away like that?"

gojo stands up and slams his hands on his desk, making you jump. "listen, miss (l/n). what you and i have, it's just something casual. all i want from you is s*x. get it?"

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